Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Romans 15 & 16 - Greetings

I was thinking about how I greet people. Not in just how I say hello, but how I really treat them. All people, not just believers. I love this verse in Romans. To me it seems like it would make a pretty snazzy greeting. See someone on the elevator? Romans 15:13. 80's guy next to me on the elliptical at the gym? Romans 15:13. The cashier at check out? Romans 15:13.

I have to pause and think about how I am living my life based on these 2 chapters. Am I lifting people up, encouraging them, walking strongly in my faith? Am I criticizing, being a stumbling block to others, conforming to the ways of the world?

It is hard to be a Proverbs 31 women some days. This world is so full of opportunities to tear down others. This morning I am going to spend time reflecting on how I can improve on building others up. I want to greet people with the joy and peace that comes from God. I want to share the hope that is from Him. I want to love and live as Paul wrote about.

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