Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Matthew 27 - Hope

Sweet friends, It is so easy for worldly things to steal my hope and my joy. I obsess about things I can't control and I make excuses for the things I can.

The truth is that nothing here on earth should have that power over me. The truth is that our hope is found in the emptiness of that tomb. The death and resurrection gives us the ultimate hope. One day we will be in his presence and be reunited with those who have gone before us. There will be no more sickness or pain.

It is so easy to get bogged down in the day to day living. I know that there are bills to be paid, long hours at work, health concerns, etc.

There are also lots of distractions. I focus on what I don't have, the size clothes I don't wear. the accolades I never get...

Here is the truth.

We must focus each day on the hope of the empty grave.

I am going to focus my thoughts and actions in  different way this coming year. I am going to stop putting my hope in what is here but rather my treasure in heaven. We are not promised tomorrow and i am refusing to continue living like this is all there is. This is not the best that he has for me. It is all to come when my time on earth is done.

Lord God, help me to focus my eyes, heart and mind on you. Help me to see that hope that you have given through the resurrection of your son Jesus Christ. Father help me have a biblical perspective on what trials come my way. Help me focus on what you are teaching me through those times. Lord I praise you for all of the good and easy times. I know it is so easy to focus on the difficult times I face but I know your goodness and mercy is more than I deserve. Lord help me to see others in need. Help me to be the light. Thank you for your love that is more than sufficient. -Amen

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