Thursday, December 31, 2015

Matthew 28 - The Mary's

I love love love love love this chapter in Matthew.

Let me first start by talking about how important it is to us as women that Jesus appeared to the women first. As we all know women were low in the order of important people in society. Men were clearly above them. Just like the shepherds, they were probably not likely to be believed.

But Jesus set us up for great works here. He sent the message loud and clear that women can be used by him to spread the great news. Thank you Jesus for this beautiful picture of your love and compassion for us as women. We delivered the news of his resurrection!

The empty tomb is the second topic I want to talk about today. THE TOMB IS EMPTY! Jesus said it, it was prophesized  in the Old Testament and it was done. The emptiness of the tomb filled the world with hope, grace, mercy, forgiveness, eternal life...

The empty tomb was proof for us as humans, as doubters and unbelievers that Jesus was Lord and he did what he said he was going to do. Even after this he was still doubted. My first reaction is how stupid could they be? Didn't they have all of the facts and proof they needed?

Well, Mandey, ask yourself the same questions. Here I sit convicted again. He gives me all of the proof I need but I still question.

This year I am going to lay it all down. Self, career, family, money, health, friendships. I am laying it all at his feet. His word is true. He does what he says he is going to do. I am giving him my all and I can't wait to see what he uses me for to further his kingdom.

Happy New Year sweet sisters in Christ! Thank you for your love and prayers this year. I cant' wait to see where this year takes each of us.

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