Sunday, July 17, 2016

Numbers 30 & 31 - My Word

Want to know one of my hubby's pet peeves? Make a promise or tell him you are going to do something and not do it.

I do this a lot. No on purpose. I really truly mean at that moment that I am going to do it.

Then I get so busy with life that I forget. Then come the excuses and rational because I don't want to see him hurt.


Here is an example. A few years ago we had a huge hailstorm that damaged our roof. The adjuster came out and we qualified to get a new one. Being the good wifey that I am, I told Jeffrey not to worry. I would be glad to handle it. Girls, any guesses on how long it took me to get the roof put on our house? Um, just got a new roof this April. 2 LONG YEARS of him asking when it would get done. 2 LONG YEARS of me promising that I would get it done. 2 LONG YEARS of me pushing it to the back of my to-do list. 2 LONG YEARS of me showing disrespect to my husband without really even knowing I was doing it.

Just last week Jeffrey and I went to some dark, deep, hurting places. I have this new thing that I am doing that I LOVE to do and am very passionate about. I have been so busy being successful at it, even getting national recognition for my success, that I have put Jeffrey (and God) towards the bottom of my to-do list. Once again I was making promises that I didn't keep. I was busy being awesome at my new thing but being terrible at the most important things. Wife and child of God.

As usual Jeffrey and God showed me grace and mercy. This weekend he joyfully and without hesitation let me go to our national conference. While there I learned about the Christian values and mission work this company prides itself on. Over and over again I heard stories of women having the opportunity to spend MORE time with their family. Not less. I heard the CEO pray and give thanks for how God is using us to bring joy to others through these products. I heard over and over that God and family were first.

I have tons of material to look over and I need to be prepping for a party I have tomorrow night. Instead I am being here right now, in this moment, with you and our precious Lord Jesus. I know from my life that when I put God first, everything else falls into place.

Thank you for not giving up on me, the blog and this beautiful thing started August 29th of last year.

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