Sunday, July 31, 2016

Romans 1 & 2 - Lovely Sunrise, Don't Judge.

After reading these 2 chapters I feel the need to reflect. Chapter 1 is really easy for me to reflect on. I love nature. I worked in my yard for 3 hours today. I pulled weeds, watered, pruned, etc. I think back to our beach trip this summer. I can vividly remember standing on the beach with my sweet hubs watching the sun rise. Nothing was created with a bang. Nothing was accidental. It was ALL created by God in complete perfection.

Chapter 2, not as easy. I really struggle at times with judging. It is a sneaky type of judgement. It is not the "I am better than you and I know more about ________ so I can tell you what you need to do.". It usually more of an "I cannot believe that he/she is doing that and that people are allowing it". It is wrong, wrong, wrong. I am not judging in a Christian way although I try to convince myself that I am. I am not not judging based on truth. I am not judging in any helpful way. 

God's judgement is based on truth. He will be the ultimate judge of me and you. He will see our secrets, our sin, our good deeds, our faithfulness...he will see our heart. He sees our heart 

I think that a lot of times I judge others subconsciously to boost myself. It is hard to type that but it has to be said. I am far from perfect and honest if nothing more. 

Today I will be praying that God helps me to do his will, run from sin and call in him. I don't want to be judgy for the wrong reasons. I want my judgement to be for the sole purpose of helping others in love to draw closer to Christ and experience the grace and mercy that he gives to me daily. I don't want to be known as Judgy McJudges Alot. 

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