Monday, July 18, 2016

Numbers 32 - Remembories

When my sweet Laura was younger she said some words incorrectly like most kids do. One of my favorites is remembories, a combination of remember and memories.

So many times in my daily living, I need God to remind me, I need those memories of my past sins and failures. I need God to say "wait, remember what happened before". I need to remember to take caution to not repeat past mistakes.

I also need those beautiful memories of serving God and his blessings on my life. Yesterday our lesson is SS was about money and the problems associated with it. As I sat there and listened I was reminded that I have never done without and that I have to trust in God in times of wealth and times of poverty.

But friends this goes beyond money...

There are times of financial wealth and poverty.
There are times of spiritual wealth and poverty.
There are times of relationship wealth and poverty.
There are times of health wealth and poverty.

In all of these times I need to remember that his love is loyal. We can't out run his grace.

It is easy for me to remember the good times with God but I need to spend time today thinking about the times I failed our unfailing God. I need to use those as markers in my life to keep me from going down the wrong path again.

I crave him. I want to be close to him. I don't want to ever go back to where I was before.

So thankful today for his reminders and my memories of both the good and the bad.

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