Monday, February 8, 2016

Exodus 26 - God has specific plans for me.

I was so excited last week when my NIV Beautiful Word Bible came in the mail from my pre-order on Amazon.  As usual when I get a new book or a new journal, I am hesitant to write in it because I am scared my handwriting will look all wonky. Anyone else there with me? Plus, I have never been one of those gals to write in my bible. I have my bible from when Jeffrey and I were first married and I bought us new ones with our names on them. I underline occasionally but would never dare to actually write in it...

Well, times are a changing. I wasn't sure what my first "entry" in this new bible would be. I didn't even really think about it.

This morning I simply picked up my black pen and wrote in the lined margin next to Exodus 26.

"God has specific plans for me."

And then I squared it off with my green felt tip pen.

"God has specific plans for me."

I believe this. I know this to be true. But here's the deal. I need to remember this at all times.

It is really easy to remember that he has plans for me when the plans are going smoothly, when the bank account has more than enough, when people are healthy, when I am happy, and when there is very little suffering.

Yesterdays sermon was "Be Encouraged". God is speaking to me so loudly these last few weeks. Everywhere I turn I am hearing about, seeing or reading about encouragement.

I really feel that God's plan for me in this moment is to be an encourager to others, to be the light.

I am continuing to be in prayer about where he wants me to go and what he wants me to do in my life.

Before I end this morning I just wanted to take time and thank you for all of the encouragement you give me. I feel a little embarrassed when people come up to me at church, school, or while out and about and say that they enjoy reading my thoughts. I don't feel embarrassed about what I am writing or what God is doing but rather that someone is telling me that they are actually reading this stuff. I don't know how many people even benefit from this small thing I enjoy doing. I know that I feel refreshed and renewed each morning and I always walk away from this laptop with a little more insight and knowledge than I had before. It helps me keep my heart and life in check according to his will. Thanks again for your kind words in passing. It means so much to know that God is working through me every now and then.

Lord thank you for the opportunities you give us to see your plans unfolding. We may not always know what the outcome will be. Help us to put our full trust in you. Father please be with each woman represented here this week. Lead her, protect her, guide her according to your will. Thank you for your perfect purpose for me and for each person here. Thank you for sending Jesus to be the ultimate blood sacrifice so that we could have a direct, personal relationship with you. Forgive us today when we fall short of your glory. Help us to live according to your calling. Amen.

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