Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Exodus 33 - Transformation

Once again, in his word.
Once again, perfect word spoken directly to me.

Tonight I will begin leading a bible study that will last 5 weeks. It is based on our VBS curriculum and it is a VBS for adults.

I read this chapter and think about how I was once so far away from God. I was so far from his word and any kind of relationship with him. I sit and reflect on all of my past insecurities and failures. All of the trials, mistakes, disappointments, failures, heartache and pain throughout my life has led me to where I am today.

Today I feel a million miles away from the old me. At times I do feel that I am farther away from living according to his will than I would care to admit but I also know that the chains in areas of my life have been broken. I am not who I used to be.

Moses was scared to look at or be in the presence of God. Now he is asking God to show his glory. As Christians we are all over this continuum. Some may be closer to being afraid and others may be so bold that they are asking God for big things to happen that can only come from him. Some of us are somewhere in the middle. No matter where you are, know that God loves you. He cares for you. He wants that personal relationship with you. He wants us to be bold and ask for great things.

I am somewhat nervous about tonight. I just want to glorify God and share his word. There will be people in the room (well, if anyone shows up) who know so much more about scripture than I do and have had vastly different experiences in life than I have had.

Tonight I will walk into that room as a child of God, a follower, a sinner, someone who disappoints, yells at her kids, has a messy house and car and doesn't have it all together. Tonight I will walk in with one desire. My desire will be to honor God with my time and preparation for this. I want to honor him with my words. I am boldly asking him today to use this transformed self to continue to do big things for him. For his glory.

Pray for me tonight. Typing here is easy. I can google, spell check, delete and start over. Tonight will be a little different. I know that no matter what the numbers are, God is already pleased. Thanks so much for your encouragement today.

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