Monday, March 14, 2016

Catching Up On Leviticus

I am spending lots of time reviewing Wed-Today. Thanks for being patient as I recouped from being under the weather.

Chapter 5
God expected the people to give an offering they could afford. He didn't ask the least of them to give the greatest.  Reading this makes me remember that while God wants our very best, he is reasonable and provides what we need. He doesn't ask us to give more than he equips is to give. I know that I need to really remember that today.

Chapter 6
God hates sin. The priests had to keep this fire going all night and not let it go out. I love how the light is represented here. The fire, the light, must be burning through the night and not let the darkness overtake. My sweet hubs commented during church that "while sin happens in the lights, it thrives in the dark". This is so very true. We must stay in his light so he can help us with our sin. Sin cannot win or overtake us in the light.

Chapter 7
Yikes. If I had to give an offering every time I felt guilt...In reviewing these past chapters we see that there is lots of blood shed. I am so thankful this morning that Jesus shed his blood for me so that ALL of my sins can be forgiven. He paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Chapter 8
Do you have the workbook? I love the illustration of the priestly garments. I am a very visual person so this really helps me understand all of the details. The consecration ceremony lasted for 7 days and 7 nights. The first thing that popped into my head was how I start looking at my watch at the end of an hour sermon and wonder when it will be over. That is not pleasing unto him and really kind of sad. I bet we are all guilty of that one from time to time. It really isn't that much of a sacrifice to give him 2 hours of my day once a week. Doesn't he deserve so much more?

Today I will pray that I am living for him in all I do today. I pray that I am the light in the darkness that surrounds us. There is so much evil and sin in the world today. I am so thankful that Jesus gave his life so that my sins can be forgiven without all of these rules and rituals.

Have a wonderful week sweet sisters in Christ. Love to you all!

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