There have been many times in my life where I have been restless in my faith. Just last night during my bible study class, I spoke about not fully trusting in God and his goodness. Even still today I limit God and what he can do in my life. I put barriers on his power. I believe Satan's whispers that my problem is too big, too messy, too complicated or even sometimes too small for God to even bother.
In these instances I am not holding firmly to the faith we profess and I am not honoring God in my thoughts.
Last night I shared a very personal story in our group. Jeffrey and I have never been faithful in tithing until this year. Earlier this week I was on the church website looking up an address and I happened to look at our giving this year. We have given more so far in 2016 than we gave in the 3 previous years combined. Please don't see this as bragging. It is so far from that. It really is a testimony of our full faith in God and his ability to provide for us.
This year we decided to put God closer to the top of our list of financial responsibilities instead of the very rock bottom. There have been a few Sunday's where I dropped that check in the plate and said a quick prayer that he would provide if things were tight. And he did. Each time I prayed after the tithe, Jeffrey would end up working over time. The money seemed to stretch farther. I was more mindful of my spending. I stayed away from Target. (You feel me?)
In this case of need and full trust in God, I didn't limit him.
And here I sit surrounded by roofing and paint samples. God has provided a way for us to do some much needed home repairs. Almost equal to what I make in one year. I am just blown away by his goodness and mercy. I can't wait to open up my newly spruced up home to offer my first ever home bible study this summer. Now, this is not free money. Trust me when I say, it was truly a God thing.
Today I will be more mindful of the limits I place on God in all areas of my life.
The word of God is alive and active. Hebrews 4:12
I encourage you to share that verse with someone you encounter today. Commit it to memory if you haven't already. Be the light.
Shine bright today sweet friends!
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