Monday, March 7, 2016

Leviticus 3 - Daily Offering

I must admit, I agree with the weekend wrap up completely. Leviticus is a tough read but I am praying that I see what he wants me to see from these passages even though at first read they are difficult to understand.

First thing this morning, when I opened my eyes, I gave thanks to God for another day to serve him. I then prayed over my husband. This is the first of my daily offerings.

In the past I think I was conditioned to think that the "offering" was a monetary gift given at church. Reading this passage brings me back to the reality that my offerings to him are so much more than that. I am giving an offering to him each time I praise him, each time I am in his word, each time I acknowledge that all that I am and all that I have is from him.

We could spend all day doing nothing but praising him. Just look around you right now. Look at all of the things and people in that room that you can give him praise and glory for.

When we look at all that he gives us, we should easily be able to see how we can help others.

Just this weekend Jeffrey and I cleaned out 15 bags of clothing and misc items just from our walk in closet. Yikes! I can't believe that we had so much stuff crammed in there. I could have easily had a yard sale but instead I am donating these items to God's Storehouse in hopes that someone can use these items to help them dress for a new job.

Sin in my life is very much like that closet. When we are cluttered with anything that is not pleasing unto him it becomes hard for us to see what we really have and to realize that those things come from him. 

Sin clutters our lives and hides our best from God. 

And just like cleaning out and purging those items that were hiding things we had forgotten we had, confessing our sins and giving him praise for all that we have declutters our hearts. We are renewed and can see and experience him in a whole new way.

Today I challenge you to go through your day giving him praise and having your eyes open for those in need.

Lord we thank you this morning for your word. We thank you for offering the ultimate blood sacrifice so that we may declutter our hearts from sin and from things that are not pleasing unto you. Lord I pray that you will help me to see all that you give me today. I pray that I will be able to see the abundance of what you give me and be able to share it with others.  Father help me to see that it is so much more than money or material things but rather my time, kind words or even a prayer for a friend. Thank you for your love. Help me to be the light today in all that I do. -Amen

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