As I am in the kitchen at 4 am cooking fajita meet for dinner, I am amazed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I love how in this chapter those who didn't understand tried to explain it away. They were just drunk on wine (v.13). Don't we do this? And we are believers.
I know that God has done some big things in my life. Even though I don't dare speak it out loud, I wonder if it really can be from him or if it is just a coincidence. That is really difficult to type. But if I am going to be real in my faith (or lack of sometimes) I have to be honest.
Some really big and wonderful things have happened in my life just in these past 9 months. None of which are a coincidence. Since going from only being in his word in the church building to being in his word EVERYDAY, God has done so much.
He has opened my eyes to his goodness and greatness.
He has poured our his love into my heart.
He has convicted me.
He has made me harder on myself.
He has guaranteed my eternity through my belief.
He has used me in mighty ways.
He has provided in unimaginable ways.
My life is far from perfect or easy. These last few weeks have been a struggle to motivate myself to get out of bed and go to work. I just want to stay home, sit on the deck and listen to the birds sing. I don't want to deal with problems at work, I don't want to deal with grumpy pre-teens. I just want to take it easy.
God doesn't call me to take it easy.
He wants me to feel alive, energized, drunk on Him. I need to call upon the Holy Spirit to work in me. Energize me. Fill me up. I need that strong wind. fire, and the words that come from him that others don't understand.
Most gracious Heavenly Father, I thank you for the Holy Spirit. I welcome it in. May it move in me, energize me, give me authority to speak your truth to others...Lord I pray that you continue to move in a way that is so clear that it could only be from you. I want others to be confused by your miraculous power so I can be your witness to them. Father, sometimes we need you to move in big, larger than life ways that are clear. Lord thank you for doing that for me these past 9 months. Thank you for the trials and for the blessings. Help me to go out in the world that wants to make excuses about who you are and let my life be a witness to your greatness. -Amen
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