Thursday, April 7, 2016

Leviticus 19 - Holy Living

I love these verses in this chapter that focus on us helping one another. (9-10, 14, 33-34)

This morning I am reflecting on being more like God, being set apart and living a life that is holy. It is easy to live a life where I abide by most of his commandments but to live a life that is holy and set apart I am going to need to do some tough things that may be uncomfortable for me.

I am going to have to...

love those that are hard to love.
pray for my enemies.
walk away from conversations that are not pleasing unto him.
volunteer more with my church and community even though I already do a lot.
have conversations with those who are lost about salvation.
lead people to Christ.
step outside my comfort zone.
be uncomfortable.

Some of you may know that my mom passed away when she was in her early 40s. She was sick most of her adult life. Towards the end of her life she was on dialysis. My mom had more surgeries/procedures done that I can count. It must have been very miserable and painful. I never can remember my mom crying or complaining about any of them. She knew they were necessary and she did them. I really use her memory in this area to help me when I am facing something scary or uncomfortable. Although many times I use this when I am facing medical things I don't necessarily want to do, I can apply it throughout my life. If my mom could go through all of that, surely I can withstand one procedure at the doctors office. That should mirror my thoughts and actions with the most holy one.

If Jesus can die on the cross and face such pain and agony, certainly I can do.......
Fill in the blank.

Being a follower of Christ is not an insurance policy for our time on earth.

I am not always going to be happy, healthy or comfortable. There will be sadness, trials and death but I must remember that this is only temporary.

Today I am looking at his instructions for my life. I am looking at my life and seeing those places that aren't so holy.

I know that even on my last day, He will still be working on me to make me what I should be.

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