Sunday, April 17, 2016

Leviticus 24 - Shine Bight Like An Olive

I must be the most beautiful, brightly burning olive in the bunch.

I have been through so much in my 39 (well, soon to be) years of life. I really don't even know where to start. A lot of it has been hashed out here...but some too private to post.

I do know this to be true. Kelly Clarkson and Jesus have it right. What doesn't kill you DOES make you stronger. (I am sure that's in the Bible somewhere.)

It's so hard to see that in the storm. All you can feel is the darkness with the winds howling. I can honestly say that I have always seen the rainbows and sunshine afterward. It isn't necessarily the day or weeks after, sometimes is it years. But it comes.

He always has a purpose for my pain.

Difficult childhood - Better Mom
Abby's Autism - Can connect with my students and parents
Depression - Can share my story with others to encourage
Numerous bad choices financially - Full trust in God in tithing and managing what he gives us

I could go on and on...

It has been encouraging to me in this very moment to reflect on what I have been through and how he has blessed me.

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