Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Acts 16 & 17 - Love Your Jailer

This morning I am going to focus on Acts 16:27-28

I have read this passage many times. This morning God is really speaking to me in a new way.

27-28 Startled from sleep, the jailer saw all the doors swinging loose on their hinges. Assuming that all the prisoners had escaped, he pulled out his sword and was about to do himself in, figuring he was as good as dead anyway, when Paul stopped him: “Don’t do that! We’re all still here! Nobody’s run away!”

Paul saved the very person that was keeping him in chains. Once the earthquake broke the chains and the walls crumbled, they could have been out with nothing to stop them. Instead, Paul and Silas saved this man from taking his own life. As the jailer, I am certain that he did not treat them well at all. Even though they were mistreated, they offered grace and mercy.

I am sitting here reflecting on who or what it keeping me in prison. I would hope that I would offer the same grace and mercy that Paul and Silas did in that situation. Would I save the person who was keeping me in bondage?

I know that in my life there are many difficult people that I have to deal with, people who are not on the top of my list of favorites.

There is this one particular person that has spread lies about me and even done some things at work that are not ethical. For some reason this person continues to have a job despite these things.

I was angry at this person. I said not so nice things about her. I hated her.

Recently I have given it to God. This person who really tried to muddy up my reputation was not successful. I really do think this verse gives me a little comfort in knowing that I am protected by him because I am from him and because I am living in him.

"For in him we live and move and have our being." Acts 17:28

If I had not been in the word, in prayer and trying desperately to live according to God's word, there may have been some bad results. Instead, I gave it to him and he protected me each time something would happen.

This person is not a believer. Wouldn't it be such a beautiful picture if one day she did believe and I had a small part to play in that?

Think of someone who has or has had you in chains. How can you show them the love of Christ?

Today I will write this person a note and make peace since I will no longer be working with her as I start a new chapter in my career. I don't know how it will be received. Maybe she will just throw it away. Maybe she will pass it around and make fun of me. I am giving it to God so that he will use this situation for his glory.

Acts 24 & 25 - Hold On To His Promises

I know that most of us here today have been in a situation where we have been falsely accused. I can clearly remember my mom accusing my brother and I of going to Atlanta when I was 18. She swore that we were lying to her about where we had been all day and that we had drove there for the day. We swore up and down that we didn't. We had actually been hanging a friends house all day. She never believed us. We were falsely accused. I remember the desperation we felt in trying to prove our case. She punished us unjustly. There was nothing we could do.

As an adult, in my workplace. I have been falsely accused. I have been accused of cutting a students hair, not liking a student, ignoring students, being racist....the list could go on and on. If you have ever been in this type of situation you know the frustration and all of the emotions that come with that. At first I am usually shocked. I can't believe that someone would accuse me of these things since I know in my heart that I would NEVER do them. Then I try to rationalize where in the world these accusations could have come from. Did I say something wrong? Maybe I came across as this type of person? What have I done to make them think this about me? Then I get angry. I know I didn't do this and I can't believe that they are accusing me of such.

I usually have to go through all of these emotions (which takes about 10 minutes) before my racing heart slows down and I go to Him in prayer, praying for His complete protection in the situation.

It is so human of me to go through all the feels before taking it to Jesus.

I can't imagine being imprisoned for 2 years because of false accusations. I would hope that I would hold on to His promises during that difficult time. I know that my own mind would be my worst enemy. Satan knows that and is quick to try to get in my head and make me worry and doubt.

Are you facing something difficult today? Something in the past that has a hold on you?

My prayer today is that I will be freed from the past accusations and that I will be prepared for any future ones by being in His word and being in prayer.

Father I thank you for your word today. I thank you for the example of Paul. His life was not easy and filled with false accusations. I pray that when accusers come my way that "my goal will be that they are encouraged in heart and united in love, in order that they may know the mystery of you and in who are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge". I pray that my life will be a living testimony to your truth and great power. I pray that the false accusers see you in me and I pray that I hold on to your promises in those difficult times. Father remind me that I need to be in your word daily and in fellowship with you ALL of the time, not just when I am in need. You are for me and not against me. Thank you for your love and forgiveness. Help me to go into the world today with full confidence of your word and promises and of your eternal love for me. Amen.


Friday, May 27, 2016

Acts 23 - The Lord Stood Near

As I sit here smelling like hot dog juice (cooking for our end of the year party) I am reflecting on all of the times the Lord has stood near me just like he did with Paul.

Today is my last day as a preschool teacher. It has been a wonderful 7 years but not always easy. I have been faced with parents and colleagues who I have needed God's protection from.

Physically attacked by a colleague
Falsely accused of being a racist
Physically attacked by a parent
Accused of cutting a kids hair
Accused of biting a kid
Accused of lying
Being told that I was a horrible teacher

I have taught about 100 students these 7 years. I could have easily given up, lost hope, or become discouraged to the point where I quit the race God called me to run. I am so thankful to have been able to work with these families and colleagues, even the ones who persecuted me. Especially those. They are the ones who needed to see Jesus in me.

I am so thankful that God called me to this ministry of preschool. I see glimmers of what he might use me for in middle school. I am not afraid. I am not concerned. I am not doubting. I know he has it all planned out and is going to stand near me.

Take some time to reflect on those times that God has been standing right beside you, encouraging you when the situation seemed dangerous, hopeless, scary... Isn't it wonderful that our Father loves us, cares for us, and protects us? Give him praise for that today.

Today will be a mix of emotions but I stand firm in knowing that this is Gods will.

And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Thank you God for always working for my good!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Acts 21 & 22 - Make Something Beautiful

This week I have let lots of stuff come between me and my daily work here.

My Initials Inc Business
A Busy Schedule

I really feel ashamed for not giving my first fruits to Him this week.

Last week I was feeling super tired. I have been sooooooooo busy with IEPs, end of school and various other time snatchers that I have not gone to the gym like I needed to be. When I am in the gym 3-5 times a week I feel healthy, strong and full of energy.

My time with God each day is no different.

When I am not in his word daily I get tired, weak and off track. It is so easy to find excuses not to put Him first.

I love 2 things that jumped out to me this morning in these chapters.

1. God spoke only in a way that Saul (Paul) could hear. No one else could see or understand.
2. My past sins don't limit my future witness or work for Christ.

I love how the first revelation happens to me. I can read scripture and see a different message then when I read it before. I can hear songs, re-read books, commentaries, past blogs, etc and see how He is using that moment in time to speak to me in a new way, a way that no one else can see or understand.He is giving that moment to me. It is personal and beautiful and displays His love for me.

While reading the scripture this morning I wrote the second revelation in the margins of my journaling bible. I love how Paul gave his testimony. He spoke our lives in this passage. We were all Saul before coming to know Christ. So many times I look at my sins and past mistakes as embarrassing and something that separates me from being able to do His work. I immediately think of this song below. He is going to make something beautiful out of this brokenness. Out of this sin. Out of my imperfectness.

Father thank you for what you are doing in my life. Thank you for ALL of my life and how you are using it. When I am tired and distracted I pray that you give me the strength and guidance to focus on your work and will in my life. Forgive me when I put anything before you. You are worthy. You are my Father. You love me despite the broke down days that I have. Thank you Lord for your word and for all of the beautiful works you have done, are doing and will do in me. Amen!

Make Something Beautiful

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Acts 18, 19 & 20 - Confident in His Will

Life has been a little crazy. Sorry I am so far behind...

I have really been moved by reading about Paul's life. So many times I have felt too lost or broken to believe that God could use me. So many times in my life God has had to tell me to get up on my feet and follow his will.

These chapters are such a beautiful picture of God's love for Paul. Paul reached so many people and cared deeply for the people of Ephesus. Paul's season in this city was coming to and end. I think about my own transition right now. The words in Chapter 20 give me great hope. While I will miss the wonderful people I work with, I am confidently trusting in God.

Change is difficult. I like to be able to predict things. I like to be comfortable. Paul definitely stepped out of his comfort zone according to the call that was put on his life.

I hope that I can continue to be confident of what I am called by him to do. I pray this in advance of those long, difficult days when I am not sure why I am where I will be.

God calls us to be uncomfortable. I am praying verse 24 this morning. May God use me to testify about his good news!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Beautifully Broken

Here is my story that I shared at a women's ministry event Monday night.

When you look at me you see a mother, wife, teacher, friend, volunteer, encourager, writer and most importantly a child of God.

What you don’t see is the mess that my life was and sometimes still is.

I have been in darkness. Far away from God. Many times in my life.

When I was asked to share my story my first thought was that my story changes every day but God remains the same. He is the one constant in my life.

Satan was quick to start whispering lies to try to discourage me. He wants me to believe that I am broken and not good enough.

What can I say that could help someone?
They must have had a hard time finding someone to do this.

Then my prayers began with a specific focus.

Lord, give me the words that someone needs to hear. Help me to encourage. Help me do your will. It is not about me, it is about you and proclaiming the wonderful works in my life.

And then there was this verse one morning during my devotional:

“But you will receive the power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.” Acts 1:8

And it did. And it has been powerful.

As I wrote these words I kept feeling that maybe these words weren’t for someone else. Maybe God needed me to see his power. I think I needed a big reminder of...

His love for me.

His provisions.

His grace.

His mercy.

His power to save.

His light that has always been shining, even in the darkest parts of my life.

I have always been a church girl. Not going to church was not an option during my childhood.

As a young adult with the freedom to say no to church, I went.

My childhood was really messy and I received so much love from the people in my small country church. There were lots of things that happened to me that I felt I didn’t deserve. While writing this I see that God was providing love and nurturing and building the foundation through those sweet women teaching sunday school and children’s church. Although the message from home was “not good enough” , “unworthy”, “failure”, the message from church was that of love. I had the opportunity this weekend to thank some of those women for their love but most importantly for their prayers.

When I met Jeffrey in 1998 he was not a church boy. My grandmother quickly set him straight. If you are visiting here on a Sunday, you will go to church. And he did. We had a long distance relationship so he would stay with us some weekends and he was in church every Sunday.

Jeffrey had been brought up Methodist but had never been saved. My pastor discouraged me from marrying him because we were not evenly yoked. I felt God saying something so different.

In August 1998 Jeffrey and I were married and I moved away from home for the first time. I moved from a little town outside of Macon, GA to Rock Hill, SC. I knew no one there. It was lonely. I quickly found a church.

We both went through the motions of church for the next several years. Jeffrey would come occasionally. I met a wonderful friend at my part time job at Belk. Her family loved us and took us in as part of their family. Once again, God provided for us. He provided a family that loved us when we were so far away from our own in a new unfamiliar place.

In 2000 Jeffrey was offered a job in Columbia so we moved. Once again, to a place I had never been to. I knew no one. So, I found a church. I started teaching 4 year old Sunday School at Shandon. Jeffrey would come to church more often. He enjoyed helping me on Sundays.

That next year Jeffrey and I were laying in bed one night at his parents house. He turned to me and told me that he wanted what I had. He wanted that relationship with Jesus. My husband was the first person I had led to Christ. That beautiful moment means more than any other. His name was entered into the book of life.

In 2004 I was then blessed with a baby after concerns of infertility. When Abby was a perfect, typically developing 8 month old, Jeffrey and I decided that we wanted another baby. 9 months later we had another sweet baby girl.

Despite all of this goodness there was was darkness.  My mom died unexpectedly. My dad remarried a year later. My grandparents who had been married for 50 years divorced.

I was lost. Far from God. I was a liar. I was dishonest. This was the start of the darkest period of my life. I did things that hurt my family. Jeffrey had every right to leave me. We were in financial ruins. We were at rock bottom from my huge error in judgment. All while having these sweet babies.

As Jeffrey and I continued to heal from the consequence of my sin, we had to keep going. This time in our life was mainly dark with glimmers of light. Jeffrey was working nights and watching the kids while I was finishing up my degree in special education. It was hard. It was lonely. We were both so tired. God continued to provide for us as he always had. I graduated, found a job prior to graduating and have been serving him through my preschool special needs class ever since.

Many of you know the details of Abby and her diagnosis of Autism. I could really speak for hours about this but I will simply say this… Abby was a nonverbal toddler. We were far away from family. God provided through this church. He gave us sweet Lindsay during this season of our life. She loved my girls are cared for them while I was finishing my degree at Columbia College. He surrounded us with a support system that was clearly from him. Through his people. Through his church.

And here I am today. Living proof of his grace and mercy. He took someone broken, someone away from the flock and filled me full of the Holy Spirit, fully surrendering to him. He is helping this broken church girl piece together my life according to his plan.

This past year of my life has been pretty amazing. It hasn’t been perfect. It hasn’t been easy.

It has simply been filled with Jesus.

It has been filled with his word. It has been filled with prayer. It has been filled with beautiful worship. It has been filled with a pouring out of myself so I can be filled with him.

Some of you follow a blog that I started last year to use a way to dig deeper into the Proverbs 31 Ministries First 5 Bible Study.

I didn’t know enough about the Bible to even think I could do this. I can tell you that doing this daily has changed my life. My day starts at 4:30 with at least an hour of study and prayer. Before August of last year, I would read my Bible at church on Sunday.

This year I have stopped putting limits on God. I have developed a deep relationship with him through study and prayer. I have put my trust in him.

As I reflect through this testimony I see that it is clear that I am Beautifully Broken and that he is using my brokenness to reach and minister to others.

During this season he has called me to a new mission field. I have taken a job as a middle school resource teacher for the next school year. I have really been surrounded by his perfect peace in every detail of this move…..

(Share details if time allows)

It really is a leap of faith where I am putting complete trust in Him because it cannot come from me. He will equip me and give me what I need to do what he has planned for me.

I don’t know what this next year holds. I do know that I will continue to draw closer to him everyday. I do know that it will be filled with his word and a relationship with him. He is the light in the darkness. He is the glue that holds all of these broken pieces together.

Will you pray with me?

Lord, thank you for these women that are here tonight. Father I want to thank you for all of the seasons in my life. Even in the darkest moment of my life you have been there shining brighter than the sun. Thank you for loving me despite of myself. I pray that you bless each women and family represented here. I pray that you work in mighty ways that are clearly from you. Forgive us for where we fall short each day and sometimes even each moment. Help us to be the women that you call us to be.  Thank you for this opportunity to fellowship tonight. We give you all of the honor and praise, Amen.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Acts 14 & 15 - On Being Reasonable

I think I can learn a lot about handling conflict from today's reading. So many times I am quick to get angry and think the worst of a given situation that I don't take time to really evaluate what is really going on.

Especially with my children.

There are some times that I should really sit down and listen to my kids reasoning on why they made certain choices. I think that if I could just do this, a lot of yelling and anger would go away. 

There are other times in my life when people wrong me and I just stay quiet. This is not always the best solution. I have this little saying I use pretty much every day...People do what you allow. 

Then there are the times when I am mama bear mad and I don't care who knows it. Not much need for elaborating here. 

But here is where I get it wrong from the very first hint of a problem...I don't immediately go to him in prayer. I have improved so much in this area but it is still a tough one. I need to seek his voice and I need him to give me ears to hear, a tongue slow to speak, patience and empathy. 

My youngest daughter and I have started a journal that we can use when we are really angry, hurt, or if we just want to share something positive. We have only used this a few times but it is really neat to see the other persons perspective written down where I can respond. It is kind of hard to yell with pencil and paper. I am also really thankful for the eraser. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Acts 13 - Worthy

There have been times in my life where I have considered myself unworthy.

While I have never felt unworthy of the gift of eternal life, I have sent God messages that I felt unworthy of the things he has given me.

A wonderful husband
Two beautiful girls
An amazing career

It's not like I say "God, I am unworthy of these things you have given me", I consider myself unworthy when I doubt my abilities in these areas. I consider myself unworthy when I make mistakes and feel like I can't get it right. Doubt comes when I don't trust in him fully.

Ok, so that was a light bulb moment.

I doubt myself when I don't trust in him fully.
Doubting myself reflects  me questioning him and his power and goodness.


Being worthy means trusting in God and the abilities he has given me through his grace and love. When I doubt the power of the Holy Spirit, I am sending the message that God must have gotten it wrong with me or a certain area of my life.

When I am sharing his word I don't want people to look at me and see doubt. I want to be strong in my faith so others can see that while I may be unsure of what God's plans are for me, I know that he will provide and his will for me will be done.

Prayer Request:
Tomorrow we will be traveling to GA for my sisters wedding. There are many concerns here that I don't feel comfortable sharing. Please pray for my family but more specifically for my sister and this union she is about to enter in. Pray that God will work in these two lives. Thanks so much!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Acts 12 - Bound In Chains

Relationships or lack of...

These are just a few of the things that keep us in chains.

God can rescue us. He will make the chains fall. We may have no idea what he is doing or where he is taking us.

He knows.

He loves us.

We can't outrun his grace.

God is...

I keep playing "Loyal" on loop while I am working on my story for Monday night. Every word just speaks to me so loudly. He has never let me go. Even when I was so far away from him. He loved me.

He is always the light.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Acts 11 - Remain True To The Lord

Last night I posted 2 quotes on Facebook. Soon after the Holy Spirit took hold of me and I quickly deleted both.

Right now I am in a transition period at work. It is an odd place to be. I can see the people who are truly invested in my friendship now. Since giving my notice I see who really appreciate and cherish my friendship and those who were not all that invested.

The posts were basically about people who were not cheering for you and who were raining on your parade. Nothing vulgar. Nothing inappropriate to post. It was clearly not remaining true to the Lord.

The truth is that no matter how we feel in the moment, we have to remain true to the Lord. I do sometimes question what God calls me to do to encourage others. I really try to go above and beyond to love people and show them how special they are to me. I feel that rarely receive that back in the same manner. That is hard. I know that God calls me to be an encourager but even sometimes the encouraging needs some encouraging right? No one wants to feel that they are not valued or appreciated.

Then I walk into work on Monday and find a sweet gift and note on my desk. The note was clearly the treasure here. There could have been a 10k diamond ring in that box and the note would have still been more valuable.

The note read:

Happy Birthday! I hope your bday and celebration was a special as you are and full of as much love, compassion and generosity as you show others. You are a brilliant, passionate, caring friend and I am so thankful for all of the hugs, prayers, grace, appreciation, kindness, gifts and unconditional love that you have shown me these past 6 years...I am going to miss you for these reasons and more.

I am crying again as I reread that this morning.

While I clearly know that I am doing Gods will in this career change, I still have moments of uncertainty and weakness,  I need encouraging.

This sweet friend encouraged me more in that moment with that sweet note than I have been encouraged all year. I needed to read those words. It was clearly from God.

I am so thankful for my encouragers this morning.

I am holding on to this feeling and searching my mind for someone that I can encourage today. I will make it a point to write a note or share a word with someone who needs that today.

Who can you do the same for?

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Acts 10 - Stretch

I am preparing for a women's ministry event next Monday night at my church. I have been asked to share my story. I have talked a little about this before.

For me, this is a stretch.

Once again I am going beyond the boundaries of what is comfortable and I am serving him in a big, uncomfortable way.

In order to serve him to the fullest we have to stretch ourselves. We have to be uncomfortable. For some that may be a big mission trip, volunteering to teach at VBS, inviting your neighbor to church, joining the choir...

We are not going to reach people for him by being comfortable. It just won't happen.

Today I am going to stretch even farther and invite every teacher in my school to this event. That is a BIG uncomfortable step for me but God knows who needs to hear his word through me. He has it under control. He will provide and work through the Holy Spirit.

Just like he always does...

Here is the link if you would like to attend.


Monday, May 9, 2016

Acts 10 - Fix Me

These past few weeks I have really been convicted on what I pray for. Lately my prayers have changed from "fix them" to "fix me".

It is easy to see others brokenness but very hard to see my own.

I pray for relationships to be healed, problems to go away and even for people to see their ways and turn towards God.

Today my prayer is simple. God fix me.

Lord, thank you for your word in Acts today. Thank you for helping me to see that I must be broken to receive your best for me. Today I pray that you fix me and not the laundry list of people on my prayer list. Lord, I pray that I will be filled with the Holy Spirit. I pray that you will transform my views on people and their situations and heal me of my brokenness so that I may help others. Lord, instead of just praying for these people, help me to be a doer. Help me to see what work you want done that you equip me to do. Thank you for allowing me to see where I get it all wrong. Thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for clarity this morning. Amen.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Acts 9 - Interrupted Journey

God's timing is perfect! Amen?

Just yesterday I was having a conversation about some people in my life who are lost. They are far from Christ. They are living in darkness, dealing with deep issues, and in denial on so many levels.

I have become frustrated when talking about them. I am frustrated by their choices in life, frustrated by what others allow them to do.  I don't by any means feel that I am better than them or in a better situation. I just get frustrated because I feel like they should do better. This is definitely not how God wants me to feel or approach this.

For years I have prayed "Father lead someone to them who knows you. Surround them by your people to help encourage them." I prayed this mainly because I am not often around them.

This morning I hear God saying "I have been sending you. I have equipped you. You have what you need. The Holy Spirit will speak through you and your actions."

And here I sit thinking...

I don't want it to be me.
I prayed for someone else to do it.
This is risky.
What if I fail?
They will never change.

I feel like a whiny teenager.

But God, I don't want to do it!

In the next 6 months I will have multiple opportunities to interrupt their journey with my actions, words, prayers...

I will stop praying for someone else to do it and start praying for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me to do it.

Who comes to your mind when you read this? Who in your life is on a journey down the wrong path? Who can you, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, help move towards the correct path?

I hope that you find hope and courage in Saul's story, God can take the least of us and use us for his greatest!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Acts 8 - Sharing The Good News

I have to admit that I usually talk to people about Jesus who already know about Jesus. It is often comfortable and safe.

I am rarely find myself running up to the chariot and listening to the Holy Spirit when it is uncomfortable. I doubt my knowledge and ability to really have hard conversations with non-believers.

Stepping out on faith when convicted is so hard yet very rewarding. I know that when I personally follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit it is a beautiful thing. I am often the one who receives the blessing when others are the intended blessing receivers.

I have not looked at this app this morning. I have no idea what is being discussed. Sometimes I like to do this to see what God has given to me and not what I see through the app.

My prayer this morning is that I will be more open to the Holy Spirit working within me. I pray that my 40th year of life will honor God and bring many to him. I want to be uncomfortable. I want to step out. I want to receive the glorious things he has waiting for me this next year through my obedience and service to him.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Acts 7 - Beautiful Picture of Faithfulness

Stephen is really underrated in my opinion. I haven't really heard much about him in church. I am sure we have studied about him over the years but today was the first day that this really jumped off the page to me. 

Stephen was a servant to the needy.

Stephen was the first martyr.

Stephen died defending Christ.

The beauty here is that Stephen had such a passion for Christ. He clearly saw the vision that ALL people needed to hear about Jesus, not just the Jews. He was on fire for Jesus.

Hard questions come from this passage. Would I defend my faith while knowing that if I did, I would be killed?

I would hope the answer would be yes but I can't say for certain. I think it is easy to say yes to hard and difficult things but when the moment comes do we really hold true to what God calls us to be and do for him?

Defending him in death is a little extreme for me as I sit here and my desk, in my air conditioned home being able to worship freely.

The conviction here is real. Am I serving him in all areas? Am I living for him everywhere? Is my life more like Stephen's than not? Am I dying to self to live for Christ?

I just love how Stephen was able to look up into the heavens and saw the full glory of God. I cannot imagine the beauty he saw in what was a dark moment of him, facing death for defending God. What a beautiful picture of God's love for him as a good and faithful servant. 

I wonder how many lives were changed that day through his "sermon". I know that God used it for his Glory. I just imagine women and children being on the outskirts of this crowd. Did they hear something here to convict them? Did any of the men have a change in heart based on Stephen's last words? I believe they did. 

Although few, if any, of us will die defending our faith, we can still look at this story and see so much. Our sin is real. It blocks our fellowship with him. It hardens our hearts. 

Lord, thank you for your word today. Thank you for the life of Stephen. Thank you for this reminder today that even as I am in your word, giving you praise, there is sin in my life. I pray that you forgive me for the sin that is holding me back from even greater fellowship with you. I pray that I don't settle for the word I receive today but that I crave even more. I pray that my eyes are opened to areas in my life that are not pleasing to you and that do not honor you. Father thank you for the beauty in this passage. Even in the face of death, we can see your love and mercy. Thank you in advance for your mercies for today. Thank you for forgiving. Thank you for saving, Thank you for loving. -Amen

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Acts 5 & 6 - The word of God spread.

I love how the past 2 days of this study have spoken to me. I think Acts was God's perfect read for me this month.

These truths are just jumping off of the pages for me:

We must obey God, not man.
God judges us.
Man will do dishonest things.
Our character in Christ will be tested and tried.
God honors our obedience.
He has a specific plan for us.
Despite all of the trials and persecution, the word of God spread. (Acts 6:7)

I could write all day about how God has protected me from those who were clearly trying to tear me down. By his goodness and grace. my new position will remove me from several of those people. On the other hand, it will remove me from some wonderful sisters in Christ. I will miss seeing them on a daily basis but I am encouraged knowing that God has wonderful works planned for me.

The unknown is difficult. It is unfamiliar, scary. It is with complete faith that I move into this next stop on my journey. Faith makes that so much easier. I know I am protected by him and that the Holy Spirit will equip me. Only God knows what I will face but my faith in him makes it so easy to trust and obey.

I want to take a moment here to give a shout out to the teachers reading this since it is Teacher Appreciation Week. I love reading about Stephen. He humbly served God. He was a "man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit" and he served food. He waited tables. Wow! I know at times I have felt that my job as a preschool teacher was not a job people were fighting for. Dirty diapers, dirty noses, sneezes all over me...I clearly understand through his word and revelations to me over these years that he is constantly preparing me for the next day of service to him. In the trenches your job may not be appreciated by many. You may leave that building at the end of the day questioning all that you have done, or haven't done. But know this my sweet teacher friend, you may be the only Jesus that they see today. We don't know their stories. Not all are sad or hopeless. God puts you right there today, in that classroom and gave you those students for a reason. Thank you for all that you do for these kids. I know your love extends beyond those school resources and into your pockets and prayers.

It is a rainy day today, may God bless you with a jam up indoor recess!   =o)

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Acts 4 - Be Bold

Peter and John were.
The believers were when they prayed.

It was clear that Peter, John and the group of believers not only knew, but they BELIEVED that salvation and all power came from their Sovereign Lord.

The me a few years ago would be quick to accept an award, good word from someone at work in regards to my performance or pretty much any praise in general and become full of myself. I gave very little, if any, praise or glory to God.

Me today? I am bolder than ever! I tell people that it is not me, it is him. He is just using me to do his great work. When the principal called me this week and officially offered me the job my first words were "Thank you! Yes I would love to come and work at your wonderful school. This has been an answered prayer and I know that God has great things planned for me." Her response? She commented that what I was saying confirmed something for her and encouraged her. Wow! Thank you Jesus! What a beautiful moment that was. Stepping out in faith and sharing his name with my next principal who I have no background info about. We then had a great talk about how God always works for our good.

Once you are bold, like Peter and John, you see how beautiful that moment is. You see how God protects you and equips you with the Holy Spirit. And you know what? You want to feel that goodness over and over again.

While I am not selling everything I own and sharing it with all, I am going into this new role in my new school filled with the Holy Spirit. I will be in prayer this summer for him to reveal to me what he wants me to do for him at LLMS.

Be Brave.
Be Bold.
Proclaim his name.
Give him the credit.
Pray and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

God always provides. He always comes through.