I know that most of us here today have been in a situation where we have been falsely accused. I can clearly remember my mom accusing my brother and I of going to Atlanta when I was 18. She swore that we were lying to her about where we had been all day and that we had drove there for the day. We swore up and down that we didn't. We had actually been hanging a friends house all day. She never believed us. We were falsely accused. I remember the desperation we felt in trying to prove our case. She punished us unjustly. There was nothing we could do.
As an adult, in my workplace. I have been falsely accused. I have been accused of cutting a students hair, not liking a student, ignoring students, being racist....the list could go on and on. If you have ever been in this type of situation you know the frustration and all of the emotions that come with that. At first I am usually shocked. I can't believe that someone would accuse me of these things since I know in my heart that I would NEVER do them. Then I try to rationalize where in the world these accusations could have come from. Did I say something wrong? Maybe I came across as this type of person? What have I done to make them think this about me? Then I get angry. I know I didn't do this and I can't believe that they are accusing me of such.
I usually have to go through all of these emotions (which takes about 10 minutes) before my racing heart slows down and I go to Him in prayer, praying for His complete protection in the situation.
It is so human of me to go through all the feels before taking it to Jesus.
I can't imagine being imprisoned for 2 years because of false accusations. I would hope that I would hold on to His promises during that difficult time. I know that my own mind would be my worst enemy. Satan knows that and is quick to try to get in my head and make me worry and doubt.
Are you facing something difficult today? Something in the past that has a hold on you?
My prayer today is that I will be freed from the past accusations and that I will be prepared for any future ones by being in His word and being in prayer.
Father I thank you for your word today. I thank you for the example of Paul. His life was not easy and filled with false accusations. I pray that when accusers come my way that "my goal will be that they are encouraged in heart and united in love, in order that they may know the mystery of you and in who are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge". I pray that my life will be a living testimony to your truth and great power. I pray that the false accusers see you in me and I pray that I hold on to your promises in those difficult times. Father remind me that I need to be in your word daily and in fellowship with you ALL of the time, not just when I am in need. You are for me and not against me. Thank you for your love and forgiveness. Help me to go into the world today with full confidence of your word and promises and of your eternal love for me. Amen.
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