Friday, May 6, 2016

Acts 9 - Interrupted Journey

God's timing is perfect! Amen?

Just yesterday I was having a conversation about some people in my life who are lost. They are far from Christ. They are living in darkness, dealing with deep issues, and in denial on so many levels.

I have become frustrated when talking about them. I am frustrated by their choices in life, frustrated by what others allow them to do.  I don't by any means feel that I am better than them or in a better situation. I just get frustrated because I feel like they should do better. This is definitely not how God wants me to feel or approach this.

For years I have prayed "Father lead someone to them who knows you. Surround them by your people to help encourage them." I prayed this mainly because I am not often around them.

This morning I hear God saying "I have been sending you. I have equipped you. You have what you need. The Holy Spirit will speak through you and your actions."

And here I sit thinking...

I don't want it to be me.
I prayed for someone else to do it.
This is risky.
What if I fail?
They will never change.

I feel like a whiny teenager.

But God, I don't want to do it!

In the next 6 months I will have multiple opportunities to interrupt their journey with my actions, words, prayers...

I will stop praying for someone else to do it and start praying for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me to do it.

Who comes to your mind when you read this? Who in your life is on a journey down the wrong path? Who can you, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, help move towards the correct path?

I hope that you find hope and courage in Saul's story, God can take the least of us and use us for his greatest!

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