Thursday, May 26, 2016

Acts 21 & 22 - Make Something Beautiful

This week I have let lots of stuff come between me and my daily work here.

My Initials Inc Business
A Busy Schedule

I really feel ashamed for not giving my first fruits to Him this week.

Last week I was feeling super tired. I have been sooooooooo busy with IEPs, end of school and various other time snatchers that I have not gone to the gym like I needed to be. When I am in the gym 3-5 times a week I feel healthy, strong and full of energy.

My time with God each day is no different.

When I am not in his word daily I get tired, weak and off track. It is so easy to find excuses not to put Him first.

I love 2 things that jumped out to me this morning in these chapters.

1. God spoke only in a way that Saul (Paul) could hear. No one else could see or understand.
2. My past sins don't limit my future witness or work for Christ.

I love how the first revelation happens to me. I can read scripture and see a different message then when I read it before. I can hear songs, re-read books, commentaries, past blogs, etc and see how He is using that moment in time to speak to me in a new way, a way that no one else can see or understand.He is giving that moment to me. It is personal and beautiful and displays His love for me.

While reading the scripture this morning I wrote the second revelation in the margins of my journaling bible. I love how Paul gave his testimony. He spoke our lives in this passage. We were all Saul before coming to know Christ. So many times I look at my sins and past mistakes as embarrassing and something that separates me from being able to do His work. I immediately think of this song below. He is going to make something beautiful out of this brokenness. Out of this sin. Out of my imperfectness.

Father thank you for what you are doing in my life. Thank you for ALL of my life and how you are using it. When I am tired and distracted I pray that you give me the strength and guidance to focus on your work and will in my life. Forgive me when I put anything before you. You are worthy. You are my Father. You love me despite the broke down days that I have. Thank you Lord for your word and for all of the beautiful works you have done, are doing and will do in me. Amen!

Make Something Beautiful

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