Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Acts 11 - Remain True To The Lord

Last night I posted 2 quotes on Facebook. Soon after the Holy Spirit took hold of me and I quickly deleted both.

Right now I am in a transition period at work. It is an odd place to be. I can see the people who are truly invested in my friendship now. Since giving my notice I see who really appreciate and cherish my friendship and those who were not all that invested.

The posts were basically about people who were not cheering for you and who were raining on your parade. Nothing vulgar. Nothing inappropriate to post. It was clearly not remaining true to the Lord.

The truth is that no matter how we feel in the moment, we have to remain true to the Lord. I do sometimes question what God calls me to do to encourage others. I really try to go above and beyond to love people and show them how special they are to me. I feel that rarely receive that back in the same manner. That is hard. I know that God calls me to be an encourager but even sometimes the encouraging needs some encouraging right? No one wants to feel that they are not valued or appreciated.

Then I walk into work on Monday and find a sweet gift and note on my desk. The note was clearly the treasure here. There could have been a 10k diamond ring in that box and the note would have still been more valuable.

The note read:

Happy Birthday! I hope your bday and celebration was a special as you are and full of as much love, compassion and generosity as you show others. You are a brilliant, passionate, caring friend and I am so thankful for all of the hugs, prayers, grace, appreciation, kindness, gifts and unconditional love that you have shown me these past 6 years...I am going to miss you for these reasons and more.

I am crying again as I reread that this morning.

While I clearly know that I am doing Gods will in this career change, I still have moments of uncertainty and weakness,  I need encouraging.

This sweet friend encouraged me more in that moment with that sweet note than I have been encouraged all year. I needed to read those words. It was clearly from God.

I am so thankful for my encouragers this morning.

I am holding on to this feeling and searching my mind for someone that I can encourage today. I will make it a point to write a note or share a word with someone who needs that today.

Who can you do the same for?

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