We should all be familiar with the 10 Commandments. I remember the poster hanging in my 3rd grade Sunday School classroom way back when. As a child I really didn't understand what all of those things meant. They probably seemed pretty easy to do. I mean, I wasn't going to worship any gods that in my mind were statues. I was pretty sure I wouldn't kill anyone. I had no idea what adultery was. I had no choice, my grandma demanded that we keep the Sabbath day holy by dressing up and going to church. And honoring my parents kept me from getting my butt cut. I better not even think about going in my moms purse. She new if anything was even touched, much less a dollar missing. It was a pretty simple deal in 3rd grade.
As an adult I see these in a whole new light. As my faith has grown I see the meanings below the surface of those words.
The verse that really jumps out to me in this chapter is the last part of 24.
"Wherever I cause my name to be honored, I will come and bless you."
God was specific in the directions given for the altar and for the sacrifices. This was pre-tabernacle. It was simple. He could be worshiped and honored in any place.
But going back to the last part of 24. I know that God puts me in circumstances daily where his name can be honored. I have to choose to see these times and I have to choose to honor him. Many times that involves a sacrifice on my part.
Yesterday I had the honor and privilege of helping our church with the Good News Club. I had worked an entire day with preschoolers so I was already zonked by 3:00. When the Minister of Children asked me to work with the Pre-K and K children I am sure my face said it all. I work with them ALL DAY LONG. Can't I get a break from the snotty noses? But I agreed and told her that I would be glad to do it.
The funny thing is, God had something different planned. There were some issues that needed to be worked out. I was the only person there on the Good News team that worked in the school district. I was familiar with dismissal procedures and protocol. I had the knowledge needed to be a voice in how to help make things run smoother and safer. I know that my knowledge and employment with this district will help the issues to be ironed out through God's perfect provisions.
Even though I was tired. Even though it seemed too much to commit to. I honored God and volunteered. I know that he blessed us yesterday because we as a team honored him with our time and talents.
What sacrifice are you making today for him? You don't have to go to the Tabernacle. You don't have to build an altar.
You just have to give.
I was so blessed yesterday. It was clear that God was all around us. Blessing us. Blessing the children. Kicking Satan in the behind.
What are you going to give today? What are you going to do that is uncomfortable, exhausting, outside of your comfort zone?
I just bet whatever it is, you will be blessed.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Exodus 19 - Doing Good
The More Moments scriptures would not load on my phone. I always read the main text from my Bible but usually just click on these verses. It was divine intervention because in I Peter I needed to see a verse that I had underlined.
Here are two translations:
I Peter 2:15
For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.
It is God's will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish accusations against you.
It is God's will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish accusations against you.
And here is what it quickly reminded me:
1. I cannot live a life that is good if I am not accessing God and his power and wisdom daily.
2. God loves me and protects me from evil.
3. If I am doing good, living in his word, and applying those principals to my life then others will certainly see that. They will see the good and hopefully see that I am set a part from non-believers.
I cannot expect God to do big things in my life if I am not living my life for him.
This year has been a doozy with district personnel and parents bringing false accusations against me. The interesting part is that most of those people are clearly non-believers. There actions, words and ethics show that they are not accessing his word or living in anyway according to it. God has protected me every time.
(I had sent a text to a dear friend about a problem I had yesterday after we had spoke. I had woke up this morning to check my messages since I silence my phone at night. There was a message in regards to this situation from the person it stemmed from. God had handled it. It was clear he took care of it. He took complete control and the problem is no longer a problem.)
I don't want to be living outside of his word. I don't want to be far away from God. I don't want to live in my own ways and by my own laws. I don't want to feel that miserable feeling that we feel when separated from him. I don't want to be distracted.
I want to live an honorable life. I want to silence the foolish by living my life according to God's calling. I want it to be clear to others that I am a child of God and that all great things come from him. I want to have access to his provisions, grace, mercy, redemption, forgiveness and for the peace that only comes from him.
What is distracting you from God today?
Long hours at work?
Earthly relationships?
Open your Bible every day. Read it. Give God your first fruits. I promise that your good life lived for him will bring great blessings. It is not a guarantee that life will be easy, rather a guidebook on how to navigate those storms with him by your side.
Lord thank you for your clear divine interventions in my life. I try daily to live my life for you. I make mistakes, fall, stumble and sin but you always have your loving arms open. You welcome me back when I stray. Lord, I don't want to stray from you again like I have in the past. I don't want to wander in the desert. I want to have access to your wonderfulness. Lord thank you for your word today. Thank you for your protection from those who are against me. I know that you are for me and that you love me. Lord help me to silence those fools in my life right now. Help me to be mindful of my words and actions. Help me to see the greater plan that you have for me and my Christian friends in our workplace. Lord help us to see why your hand has brought us together. Help us to know your will for us. If we are to be silent and continue to work for you and not for man, Lord let that be clear. If we are to rise up together in your name to make a change that can only come from you, let that be clear. Lord forgive me for my sins. Cleanse my heart Lord so that it will be ready to access your greatness. Lead in me where you would have for me to go. -Amen
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Exodus 18 - A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
I am sitting here this morning having a difficult time getting started on this writing...praying that God will give me the words that someone needs to hear. Usually this is pretty easy. Maybe I am just tired or still trying to wrap my head around some things that happened yesterday...
Do they need someone to listen to them? Do they need me to pray with them? Do they need help cleaning up their classroom? (You know who you are and I am coming to help.)
When I read Exodus 18 I see that God provides people in your life to help you when you are overwhelmed, over worked, and sometimes just plain over it.
I love how Jethro "was delighted to hear about all of the good things the Lord had done". He immediately recognized that this was from God, gave praise and offered a sacrifice.
I think that because Jethro was removed from the situation he could step back and see the bigger picture.
Jethro was able to see that this set up was not going to work. Moses was going to be overwhelmed and it would eventually become overwhelming and not benefit anyone.
Jethro offered advice in love. His motives were clear. He didn't want Moses to become weary so he gave advice.
"Moses listened to him and did everything he said."
I am so thankful for the Jethro's in my life. When I am overwhelmed, over committed, over stressed, over worked, over, over, over....
We cannot do our best for God when we are over. We may think that we are doing good work but sometimes we are "working" so much that we lose sight of what is reasonable and we lose sight on what our purpose and intentions were to begin with.
I guess my take away here this morning is that I have to open my eyes to my situation and to the situation of others.
I need to live my life for Christ and be in constant connection with him so that I can see what areas of my life need attention. I also need to be able to see the needs of my friends.
If we are so overwhelmed as Christian women how are we supposed to help others?
Do they need someone to listen to them? Do they need me to pray with them? Do they need help cleaning up their classroom? (You know who you are and I am coming to help.)
Lord God thank you for the sweet friends you have placed in my life. Thank you for the encouragement that they have given to me. Thank you for the knowledge you have given to them that has been discerned just for me. Heavenly Father thank you for sending them just when I needed them. Thank you for the kind of friendship where they can just walk into my classroom, Sunday School room, or house and know something is not right with me. Lord, thank you for the times you use me to help others. Lord help me to see these opportunities today. Help me to be an encourager with sound advice, a good listening ear, and an empathetic heart. Lord thank you for showing that you care about every detail of our lives. Thank you for your love in the form of beautiful friendships. Thank you for the opportunities you give to us today to help and encourage others. Amen
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Exodus 17 - Lifted Up
I love Leah's post this morning on the First 5 app. The Lord promises to fight for his. His sovereignty and divine presence is our lives is real, not a coincidence.
The part of this chapter that really spoke to me was verse 12.
12 When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.
I just have to give God the praise and glory for those people in my life who have held me up. I think about all the prayers that have gone before. Prayers by loved ones who are no longer here. Prayers from friends who saw my life falling apart. Prayers for me to draw closer to God. Prayers for healing and restoration.
There are those people in my life that have held me up. They have been on their knees in prayer, holding my arms up to the heavens. They were with me, helping me win these battles even when I felt alone.
In those dark times I didn't even know they were there.
God is so amazing. He knows just what we need. He is so good to me. I keep playing the link from yesterday on loop as I write this. God's mercy and grace in my life leaves me in awe.
What are you facing today that we as a group can pray for?
Can you pray for these women here today who are facing trials? Those feeling helpless and alone? Those who need restoration? Those who need a miracle?
We have to hold one another up. When our arms are tired and we don't have anything left in us to give to God, we must life one another up.
My focus for the year - Be the Light. What better way to be the light? I will be praying for you today.
Lord thank you for all of the prayers and petitions that have been sent up in my name. Thank you for every person who has spoken my name in prayer and thanksgiving to you. Lord. convict me to strengthen my prayer life even greater than it is today. Lord show me those whose arms are tired. Lord let me see the need and know what your will is for me in helping/praying for them. God, you are an amazing God. Your love for us stretches far beyond the heavens. Thank you for hearing those prayers and thank you for blessing me with people in my life who know that you are Lord and Savior and that all the power is yours and that you are the source of grace and forgiveness. Father help me to be the light to someone today in need of your word. -Amen
The part of this chapter that really spoke to me was verse 12.
12 When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.
I just have to give God the praise and glory for those people in my life who have held me up. I think about all the prayers that have gone before. Prayers by loved ones who are no longer here. Prayers from friends who saw my life falling apart. Prayers for me to draw closer to God. Prayers for healing and restoration.
There are those people in my life that have held me up. They have been on their knees in prayer, holding my arms up to the heavens. They were with me, helping me win these battles even when I felt alone.
In those dark times I didn't even know they were there.
God is so amazing. He knows just what we need. He is so good to me. I keep playing the link from yesterday on loop as I write this. God's mercy and grace in my life leaves me in awe.
What are you facing today that we as a group can pray for?
Can you pray for these women here today who are facing trials? Those feeling helpless and alone? Those who need restoration? Those who need a miracle?
We have to hold one another up. When our arms are tired and we don't have anything left in us to give to God, we must life one another up.
My focus for the year - Be the Light. What better way to be the light? I will be praying for you today.
Lord thank you for all of the prayers and petitions that have been sent up in my name. Thank you for every person who has spoken my name in prayer and thanksgiving to you. Lord. convict me to strengthen my prayer life even greater than it is today. Lord show me those whose arms are tired. Lord let me see the need and know what your will is for me in helping/praying for them. God, you are an amazing God. Your love for us stretches far beyond the heavens. Thank you for hearing those prayers and thank you for blessing me with people in my life who know that you are Lord and Savior and that all the power is yours and that you are the source of grace and forgiveness. Father help me to be the light to someone today in need of your word. -Amen
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Exodus 16 - Complaining Christian
Uh oh.
Like Homer Simpson would say, "Doh!".
I complain less than I used to but still more than I care to admit.
My house needs major repairs, we are driving cars that have over 140,000 miles on them, school loans are looming over head, and everything is just so expensive.
The truth is that this is my life. Have I always done the best with what God has given me? No. Have I always been in prayer for how to use the resources he provides me? No. I have grumbled. I have been jealous of what others have. I have taken for granted what God has given me.
Just as the Israelite's, I have complained about God's provisions.
No more.
I have really been concentrating on this the last 6 months. He is only good. He does not forsake me. He gives me what I need. I have to be in a constant state of praise and thanksgiving. I have faith that God is in control and will continue to give me what he knows that I need, not what I think I need or deserve.
We are really stepping up in our faith and committing to tithe this year. I am not going to make excuses. I am going to fully trust that he will provide. It is a big leap of faith. That money could buy groceries, cover a new car payment, pay off debt...But I am entrusting him with it. Our first fruits. Not sloppy seconds.
I know going in to this new chapter of my faith that I will be tested but my prayer is that I will trust him. He has already proved himself. Not that he even had to. Just like he did with the Israelite's. I am going to give him this part of my life. Faithfully. In the easy and hard times.
Lord God, thank you for the manna you give us. Thank you for your word. Thank you for building our faith through trials. Lord, help us to see your will for us. Help us to hear your voice, know your plans for us. Lord forgive us when we are complaining Christians. Forgive us when we don't think it is enough and when we feel we deserve more. Lord thank you for being so good to us. Thank you for being so good to me. -Amen
Good To Me
Like Homer Simpson would say, "Doh!".
I complain less than I used to but still more than I care to admit.
My house needs major repairs, we are driving cars that have over 140,000 miles on them, school loans are looming over head, and everything is just so expensive.
The truth is that this is my life. Have I always done the best with what God has given me? No. Have I always been in prayer for how to use the resources he provides me? No. I have grumbled. I have been jealous of what others have. I have taken for granted what God has given me.
Just as the Israelite's, I have complained about God's provisions.
No more.
I have really been concentrating on this the last 6 months. He is only good. He does not forsake me. He gives me what I need. I have to be in a constant state of praise and thanksgiving. I have faith that God is in control and will continue to give me what he knows that I need, not what I think I need or deserve.
We are really stepping up in our faith and committing to tithe this year. I am not going to make excuses. I am going to fully trust that he will provide. It is a big leap of faith. That money could buy groceries, cover a new car payment, pay off debt...But I am entrusting him with it. Our first fruits. Not sloppy seconds.
I know going in to this new chapter of my faith that I will be tested but my prayer is that I will trust him. He has already proved himself. Not that he even had to. Just like he did with the Israelite's. I am going to give him this part of my life. Faithfully. In the easy and hard times.
Lord God, thank you for the manna you give us. Thank you for your word. Thank you for building our faith through trials. Lord, help us to see your will for us. Help us to hear your voice, know your plans for us. Lord forgive us when we are complaining Christians. Forgive us when we don't think it is enough and when we feel we deserve more. Lord thank you for being so good to us. Thank you for being so good to me. -Amen
Good To Me
Exodus 15 -The Warning
The Israelites praised God through their singing and dancing.
Do Baptist's allow that? (Insert winky face)
I wonder if they were so busy giving him praise that they forgot to listen to him. Were they so caught up in celebration that they missed this warning. Were they so enthralled in the good and easy times that they missed his word?
I know this has been me. Over and over again.
I go through trials. God delivers me. I rejoice in the good times. I forget that I need to be in his word daily. In good times and bad. I forget to depend on him.
I get so frustrated reading about these people. I even sigh and shake my head while reading some of these passages. I think to myself "why can they just figure it out?".
God gives us laws. decrees, promises...We have to be connected with him daily to know, to hear his voice, and to prepare our hearts for both easy and tough times.
I hope that you hear me as I say this. Being in his word daily has not made my life easy, instead it allows me to be better equipped to know his will for me. It helps me stay connected to my Father. It helps me to remember his faithfulness. I get to see and experience his love for me daily.
If you are not connecting with him daily I am strongly encouraging you to do so. Practice this in the good times so you will be prepared for not so good times.
Do Baptist's allow that? (Insert winky face)
I wonder if they were so busy giving him praise that they forgot to listen to him. Were they so caught up in celebration that they missed this warning. Were they so enthralled in the good and easy times that they missed his word?
I know this has been me. Over and over again.
I go through trials. God delivers me. I rejoice in the good times. I forget that I need to be in his word daily. In good times and bad. I forget to depend on him.
I get so frustrated reading about these people. I even sigh and shake my head while reading some of these passages. I think to myself "why can they just figure it out?".
God gives us laws. decrees, promises...We have to be connected with him daily to know, to hear his voice, and to prepare our hearts for both easy and tough times.
I hope that you hear me as I say this. Being in his word daily has not made my life easy, instead it allows me to be better equipped to know his will for me. It helps me stay connected to my Father. It helps me to remember his faithfulness. I get to see and experience his love for me daily.
If you are not connecting with him daily I am strongly encouraging you to do so. Practice this in the good times so you will be prepared for not so good times.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Exodus 14- Dry Ground
I sit here thinking this morning about situations in my life where God has protected me. A month or so ago I had a really tough meeting at school. I had to sit and listen to a parent tell me what a terrible teacher I was. I had to hear things that were not true. She even talked about how she felt her child was not safe with me. It was very difficult to sit in silence and listen to her discredit me as a teacher.
Prior to the meeting I spent a lot of time in prayer. I knew these things were not true but allegations are allegations. When going into the conference room that day I felt a sense of peace. My heart was not racing. My mind was calm. My lips were silenced.
He parted the sea for me that day.
The parent looked very foolish in her allegations. She eventually chose to send her child to another school.
God protects me more times than I am even aware of. In times of troubles I am often saying "where are you God" but he is right there. Just like in this story he "withdrew and went behind" me. He comes between me and the armies against me and protects me.
It is sometimes really clear but sometimes not.
Sometimes his greatest blessings come from what I think are disappointments. I may think that I should have been chosen to do something great at work or church and feel like I was not good enough or popular enough to be chosen but in all reality God was protecting me the entire time.
I encourage you today to look for those moments that God has provided dry ground for you. I bet that they are not very hard to see.
Lord thank you for protecting me. Thank you for the disappointments that were really your divine intervention. Lord be with these women today as they go out into the world today that is filled with Pharaoh's. God Almighty, protect them from all angels. Give them the wisdom and discernment to make decisions that are apart of your plan and not from our own. Lord we know the enemy is real but YOU are the Lord God Almighty, protector of your people. We will stand strong in our faith and give you the honor and glory for the parting of the turbulent seas in our lives. -Amen
Prior to the meeting I spent a lot of time in prayer. I knew these things were not true but allegations are allegations. When going into the conference room that day I felt a sense of peace. My heart was not racing. My mind was calm. My lips were silenced.
He parted the sea for me that day.
The parent looked very foolish in her allegations. She eventually chose to send her child to another school.
God protects me more times than I am even aware of. In times of troubles I am often saying "where are you God" but he is right there. Just like in this story he "withdrew and went behind" me. He comes between me and the armies against me and protects me.
It is sometimes really clear but sometimes not.
Sometimes his greatest blessings come from what I think are disappointments. I may think that I should have been chosen to do something great at work or church and feel like I was not good enough or popular enough to be chosen but in all reality God was protecting me the entire time.
I encourage you today to look for those moments that God has provided dry ground for you. I bet that they are not very hard to see.
Lord thank you for protecting me. Thank you for the disappointments that were really your divine intervention. Lord be with these women today as they go out into the world today that is filled with Pharaoh's. God Almighty, protect them from all angels. Give them the wisdom and discernment to make decisions that are apart of your plan and not from our own. Lord we know the enemy is real but YOU are the Lord God Almighty, protector of your people. We will stand strong in our faith and give you the honor and glory for the parting of the turbulent seas in our lives. -Amen
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Exodus 13 - Great is Thy Faithfulness
What a striking image of our wonderful God leading these people night and day by fire and pillar of cloud.
Hasn't God always provided? What a beautiful picture of Gods promise to us. He promises to be all that we need, to give us what we need and to sustain us.
Different seasons in our lives offer different opportunities for us to see his faithfulness, mercy and love.
In my...
Late teens - God protected me from myself. I made terrible choices. Premarital sex, hanging with non-believers, drinking, partying, driving way to fast... Even though I was far from him, he was right there with me. Protecting me. Loving me.
20s- As a new bride I know I made so many mistakes. I was living in a new state. I had never lived away from home. I knew no one other than Jeffrey. We set out to start a life for ourselves. God provided us with a church, new friends and jobs. I made horrible choices financially. Made huge mistakes. We moved to Columbia, started new jobs, bought a home and started thinking about having babies. My mom was taken away from me unexpectedly. My grandparents divorced. I couldn't get pregnant. I wasn't giving Jeffrey the respect and love he deserved. I was in a dark place. All along God was carrying me. He was my solid rock. I didn't know just how much I needed him but despite the darkness he was holding me. I made some huge mistakes that could have had some really severe consequences. In my late 20s I really. really, really screwed up but God still had plans for me.
30s- This is season of life has been a beautiful picture of Gods love for me and his redeeming power. Gods love really did lift me. If you would have told me in my 20s that I would be pouring out my heart each morning on this chromebook for women to read I would have told you that you were cray cray. If you told me that I would be on a team to lead VBS for our church I would have told you to think again. If you would have told me that I would be leading a bible study at my church on Wed nights I would have probably laughed. God provided so much for me to be able to get my degree in Special Education. That alone is probably a 10 page essay...
My trials and troubles, times of doubt and darkness, and times of goodness and greatness have all led me to where God has me today. He didn't choose to have me take the short route. I was put on the long path to be able to grow, learn and experience his grace and mercy.
Lord God Almighty, thank you for not giving me the short route to take. Thank you for the trials and seasons of darkness. Thank you for always being the pillar of fire in the night even when I didn't realize it. Thank you for these seasons because they prepared me for your work and my live is a living testimony of your greatness and your redemption. Lord thank you for using my life to give you praise, honor and glory. Lord use me today to proclaim your greatness. Let my story reach someone today. Use me in ways that I can't imagine. Lord, forgive me for the times I have not drawn near to you. Lord, my prayer today is that you take this life you have given me and let it be lived for your glory. -Amen
Hasn't God always provided? What a beautiful picture of Gods promise to us. He promises to be all that we need, to give us what we need and to sustain us.
Different seasons in our lives offer different opportunities for us to see his faithfulness, mercy and love.
In my...
Late teens - God protected me from myself. I made terrible choices. Premarital sex, hanging with non-believers, drinking, partying, driving way to fast... Even though I was far from him, he was right there with me. Protecting me. Loving me.
20s- As a new bride I know I made so many mistakes. I was living in a new state. I had never lived away from home. I knew no one other than Jeffrey. We set out to start a life for ourselves. God provided us with a church, new friends and jobs. I made horrible choices financially. Made huge mistakes. We moved to Columbia, started new jobs, bought a home and started thinking about having babies. My mom was taken away from me unexpectedly. My grandparents divorced. I couldn't get pregnant. I wasn't giving Jeffrey the respect and love he deserved. I was in a dark place. All along God was carrying me. He was my solid rock. I didn't know just how much I needed him but despite the darkness he was holding me. I made some huge mistakes that could have had some really severe consequences. In my late 20s I really. really, really screwed up but God still had plans for me.
30s- This is season of life has been a beautiful picture of Gods love for me and his redeeming power. Gods love really did lift me. If you would have told me in my 20s that I would be pouring out my heart each morning on this chromebook for women to read I would have told you that you were cray cray. If you told me that I would be on a team to lead VBS for our church I would have told you to think again. If you would have told me that I would be leading a bible study at my church on Wed nights I would have probably laughed. God provided so much for me to be able to get my degree in Special Education. That alone is probably a 10 page essay...
My trials and troubles, times of doubt and darkness, and times of goodness and greatness have all led me to where God has me today. He didn't choose to have me take the short route. I was put on the long path to be able to grow, learn and experience his grace and mercy.
Lord God Almighty, thank you for not giving me the short route to take. Thank you for the trials and seasons of darkness. Thank you for always being the pillar of fire in the night even when I didn't realize it. Thank you for these seasons because they prepared me for your work and my live is a living testimony of your greatness and your redemption. Lord thank you for using my life to give you praise, honor and glory. Lord use me today to proclaim your greatness. Let my story reach someone today. Use me in ways that I can't imagine. Lord, forgive me for the times I have not drawn near to you. Lord, my prayer today is that you take this life you have given me and let it be lived for your glory. -Amen
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Exodus 12 - Freedom
Freedom from Pharaoh had finally come to the Israelites. It came swiftly and with lots of instructions and directions.
I think about packing for a trip. Inevitably I will always leave something behind despite my best efforts. The people of Israel had very little time to prepare and very specific instructions on what they were to do.
God provided everything they needed. He had already prepared the Egyptians' hearts so they would not question giving the people of Israel whatever they asked for.
Verses 50-51 says that they did exactly what the Lord had commanded and on that very day the Lord brought them out of Egypt. He delivered them.
I know many of you reading this today know Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You know and understand that Jesus was the perfect sacrifice that frees us from our bondage as sinners.
Just as the Lord gave specific instructions to the Isralelites, he gives us specific instructions to us on how we can spend eternity with him.
If you do not know him as your Lord and Savior, please do not wait another day. I would love to share my personal story with you. I would love to tell you the wonderful things he has done for me. Please contact me and let me share this wonderful news with you today.
If you know him and you are not following his instructions for your life. please do not wait another day. As a child that has been born again, you know what he desires from us. We are to be in his word daily. We need to be reaching the lost and bringing others to know him. We need to be living our lives aligned with what is clear in scripture.
If you know him and you are following him and you are in his word daily, please remember that he knows your heart in an intimate way. I know the angels in heaven rejoice when we are living according to his calling on our lives. Many people think that because we are in his word daily and trying to stay on the right path that we have no troubles. As believers we know this is far from the truth. Even in difficult times keep drawing nearer to him. Don't forget that you are to reach those who are lost and do not know him. Be fishers of men!
I read back over this chapter and I am amazed that 600,000 men set out. This doesn't include women or children or the "many other people that went with them". They all obeyed and did specifically what he told them to do. That just amazes me. That many people in that circumstance all following God's specific commands.
Sweet friends, we know this isn't the last we will hear about these people. Hold on tight because the story of these people of Israel, God's first born, has just begun.
I think about packing for a trip. Inevitably I will always leave something behind despite my best efforts. The people of Israel had very little time to prepare and very specific instructions on what they were to do.
God provided everything they needed. He had already prepared the Egyptians' hearts so they would not question giving the people of Israel whatever they asked for.
Verses 50-51 says that they did exactly what the Lord had commanded and on that very day the Lord brought them out of Egypt. He delivered them.
I know many of you reading this today know Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You know and understand that Jesus was the perfect sacrifice that frees us from our bondage as sinners.
Just as the Lord gave specific instructions to the Isralelites, he gives us specific instructions to us on how we can spend eternity with him.
If you do not know him as your Lord and Savior, please do not wait another day. I would love to share my personal story with you. I would love to tell you the wonderful things he has done for me. Please contact me and let me share this wonderful news with you today.
If you know him and you are not following his instructions for your life. please do not wait another day. As a child that has been born again, you know what he desires from us. We are to be in his word daily. We need to be reaching the lost and bringing others to know him. We need to be living our lives aligned with what is clear in scripture.
If you know him and you are following him and you are in his word daily, please remember that he knows your heart in an intimate way. I know the angels in heaven rejoice when we are living according to his calling on our lives. Many people think that because we are in his word daily and trying to stay on the right path that we have no troubles. As believers we know this is far from the truth. Even in difficult times keep drawing nearer to him. Don't forget that you are to reach those who are lost and do not know him. Be fishers of men!
I read back over this chapter and I am amazed that 600,000 men set out. This doesn't include women or children or the "many other people that went with them". They all obeyed and did specifically what he told them to do. That just amazes me. That many people in that circumstance all following God's specific commands.
Sweet friends, we know this isn't the last we will hear about these people. Hold on tight because the story of these people of Israel, God's first born, has just begun.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Exodus 11
I cannot imagine the crying and wailing that occurred that night. Pharaoh's hardened heart caused death. Spiritually and physically.
The Lord said that Israel was his firstborn son in Chapter 4. That is a very important point to remember in today's reading.
We must remember that trials produce faith and there were a lot of trials going on in these chapters. Moses, Aaron and Pharaoh as well as all of the people across the land needed to know that God was God. Bottom line.
Many times I forget who God is despite all of the "plagues" he has delivered me from.
I need to remember this today.
God is God and he is in control. In trials. In good times. In all times. HE IS GOD!
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Exodus 9 - Stubborn
When I get to this point with the plagues I just want to say "Come on Pharaoh, let them go already. Geez. Don't you see that God is going to keep on until he gets what he desires?"
It is almost frustrating to read and see how stubborn Pharaoh is. But the sad truth here today is that we are all that way at times. No matter how close your walk or how far away your walk is with God, we all fall short. We simply want to control our own lives at times.
Instead of stating the things I get wrong when it comes to my walk, I am going to talk about a few things I am finally getting right. Not perfect. Not all of the time. Time with him has changed these parts of my life over the years.
Prayer - In the past 48 hours I have prayed with 3 people at my school. In my school. I was able to pray with a dear friend whose mother is elderly and in the hospital. I was able to pray with a colleague about a meeting we have this morning that will involve parents who are afraid because their child has some special issues. I was able to pray with a sweet teacher friend about one of her students parents who was in a horrific car crash and is in ICU. Like I mentioned yesterday, I used to promise to pray. Now I pray right then and there. Doing this acknowledges that God's power is real. Prayer is important and must be done right then. We cannot put off God and his healing powers. We must access it multiple times daily.
Forgiveness - Oh, I used to love to hold a grudge. It gave me power. It allowed me to have a leg up on the situation. It gave me "control". In all reality it made me pretty miserable. Holding on to anger, hate, disappointment, hurt feelings and entitlement was really just me making myself more miserable. When you break those chains it is so liberating. When I forgive the person and give it to God, he gets all of the power and the glory. I have realized in maturing in my faith that I don't have to forget what that person has done but I do have to forgive them to free myself. I used to wonder how people could forgive someone who murdered a loved one. I get it now. We cannot be in bondage but someone else's mistake. We have to be forgiving to access his mercy and grace for us. Our hearts cannot be hardened.
Faithfulness - It seems like every time I get really close to God, in his word daily, in prayer daily...the devil gets busy, He is all in my finances, messing up stuff at work, nudging me to be not so nice with people I love...Well, lately I have just stopped giving him that power. I think that many times we want to blame Satan but in all reality it is either A. I haven't been doing like I should. Living in his word. Walking closely to him. Listening to him. or B. I give the power to Satan instead of saying Lord, I know I am going through this storm right now and I am going to praise you for the good and the bad and give you the glory on the other side. We know that God uses difficulties in our lives to bring us closer to him. I have stopped giving Satan the power for my trials but instead trying to put all of my trust in God and his true powers.
I hope this speaks to someone today. As a new christian I felt that I had to be perfect and get it all right. It is kind of like starting a diet. I would start, get discouraged and then just give up. I would feel like I wasn't getting God right and I would just stop reading my bible, stop praying, stop going to church...I bet God was saying the same thing I thought about Pharaoh. "Come on Mandey, let your doubt, selfish desires, and stubbornness go already. Geez. Don't you see that I am going to keep on until I get what I desire?"
No matter what you are facing in life, don't give up on God. There is a purpose there. A future testimony. A reason for the season you are in.
It is almost frustrating to read and see how stubborn Pharaoh is. But the sad truth here today is that we are all that way at times. No matter how close your walk or how far away your walk is with God, we all fall short. We simply want to control our own lives at times.
Instead of stating the things I get wrong when it comes to my walk, I am going to talk about a few things I am finally getting right. Not perfect. Not all of the time. Time with him has changed these parts of my life over the years.
Prayer - In the past 48 hours I have prayed with 3 people at my school. In my school. I was able to pray with a dear friend whose mother is elderly and in the hospital. I was able to pray with a colleague about a meeting we have this morning that will involve parents who are afraid because their child has some special issues. I was able to pray with a sweet teacher friend about one of her students parents who was in a horrific car crash and is in ICU. Like I mentioned yesterday, I used to promise to pray. Now I pray right then and there. Doing this acknowledges that God's power is real. Prayer is important and must be done right then. We cannot put off God and his healing powers. We must access it multiple times daily.
Forgiveness - Oh, I used to love to hold a grudge. It gave me power. It allowed me to have a leg up on the situation. It gave me "control". In all reality it made me pretty miserable. Holding on to anger, hate, disappointment, hurt feelings and entitlement was really just me making myself more miserable. When you break those chains it is so liberating. When I forgive the person and give it to God, he gets all of the power and the glory. I have realized in maturing in my faith that I don't have to forget what that person has done but I do have to forgive them to free myself. I used to wonder how people could forgive someone who murdered a loved one. I get it now. We cannot be in bondage but someone else's mistake. We have to be forgiving to access his mercy and grace for us. Our hearts cannot be hardened.
Faithfulness - It seems like every time I get really close to God, in his word daily, in prayer daily...the devil gets busy, He is all in my finances, messing up stuff at work, nudging me to be not so nice with people I love...Well, lately I have just stopped giving him that power. I think that many times we want to blame Satan but in all reality it is either A. I haven't been doing like I should. Living in his word. Walking closely to him. Listening to him. or B. I give the power to Satan instead of saying Lord, I know I am going through this storm right now and I am going to praise you for the good and the bad and give you the glory on the other side. We know that God uses difficulties in our lives to bring us closer to him. I have stopped giving Satan the power for my trials but instead trying to put all of my trust in God and his true powers.
I hope this speaks to someone today. As a new christian I felt that I had to be perfect and get it all right. It is kind of like starting a diet. I would start, get discouraged and then just give up. I would feel like I wasn't getting God right and I would just stop reading my bible, stop praying, stop going to church...I bet God was saying the same thing I thought about Pharaoh. "Come on Mandey, let your doubt, selfish desires, and stubbornness go already. Geez. Don't you see that I am going to keep on until I get what I desire?"
No matter what you are facing in life, don't give up on God. There is a purpose there. A future testimony. A reason for the season you are in.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Exodus 8 - Your Word
When I read this passage this morning I am really convicted about my word. I am convicted not only on the things that I promise God but to the everyday things I promise to others and fail to do.
In my marriage this has been a biggie. I think Jeffrey would agree that I have come a long way in making improvements in this area I would say I would do things around the house and never do them. I would make promises to him and not keep them. There are still some areas I am working on.
With my children, I promise to spend time with them. Work, chores, tiredness and just wanting time for me gets in the way.
With friends I would make promises to call, meet for coffee, and even pray for them and not do it.
With God I would bargain with him. If you do this then I promise to do that. Many times God would provide but I didn't keep up with my end of the bargain. I would promise to tithe, pray, be in the word, help others, stop doing a certain thing, etc.
Over the years I have learned that my word is so important. Keeping my word to both God and man is a reflection of my character, my intentions and it is a measure of what is important to me.
Pharaoh didn't keep his word. Miracle after miracle and he still made empty promises.
What messages are you sending the people in your life about the promises you are making and not keeping? What messages are you sending to God when you promise to make changes but never really do?
A few years ago I started with a small change in the way I keep promises. I vowed to actually pray for people when I told them I would. I know this sounds small but so many times I would say "I will be praying for you" and never do it. Now, I will pray for them right then and there. If it is face to face or over the phone I pray for them there in that moment. I have gotten texts from close friends while I was in the middle of a lesson at school. I will simply silently lift their name up in prayer to God. Right then and there. No waiting. No giving myself a chance to forget.
What can you do today to keep your promises to the people who are important to you? What have you been promising God that you can do right now?
Not tomorrow.
In my marriage this has been a biggie. I think Jeffrey would agree that I have come a long way in making improvements in this area I would say I would do things around the house and never do them. I would make promises to him and not keep them. There are still some areas I am working on.
With my children, I promise to spend time with them. Work, chores, tiredness and just wanting time for me gets in the way.
With friends I would make promises to call, meet for coffee, and even pray for them and not do it.
With God I would bargain with him. If you do this then I promise to do that. Many times God would provide but I didn't keep up with my end of the bargain. I would promise to tithe, pray, be in the word, help others, stop doing a certain thing, etc.
Over the years I have learned that my word is so important. Keeping my word to both God and man is a reflection of my character, my intentions and it is a measure of what is important to me.
Pharaoh didn't keep his word. Miracle after miracle and he still made empty promises.
What messages are you sending the people in your life about the promises you are making and not keeping? What messages are you sending to God when you promise to make changes but never really do?
A few years ago I started with a small change in the way I keep promises. I vowed to actually pray for people when I told them I would. I know this sounds small but so many times I would say "I will be praying for you" and never do it. Now, I will pray for them right then and there. If it is face to face or over the phone I pray for them there in that moment. I have gotten texts from close friends while I was in the middle of a lesson at school. I will simply silently lift their name up in prayer to God. Right then and there. No waiting. No giving myself a chance to forget.
What can you do today to keep your promises to the people who are important to you? What have you been promising God that you can do right now?
Not tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Exodus 7 - All In But Coming Up Short
I am not a dedicated college football follower. I didn't even see a second of last nights game. I was very excited for all of my Clemson friends because I knew this was a really big deal for them. They were All In!
This morning a portion of Dabo Swinney's press conference popped up on my news feed so I decided to click on it. He said some really important phrases that we can apply to our walk with Jesus in our every day life.
"We wanted to win the game but we came up a little short."
"The nation sees why we have been so successful. They have seen our heart."
I imagine that we all want to win in all that we do in life. Just like we have been learning through our studies, that is not always Gods plan for us. We are going to face adversity and we are not always going to win.
We also need to reflect on how we are living when we are winning and losing. What are people seeing? Is your heart reflecting love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness or is it reflecting hate, anger, disappointment and regret?
The team is going back on Tuesday to regroup. They are going to start again on their journey to what they hope to be another championship season. Dabo could have ranted and raved and said some not so nice things during his press conference. Instead he appeared to be humble. Disappointed? Yes. But he knew that his team was good and he was proud of them.
There are a few talk aways here today.
You can work hard and still come up short.
People see your heart in all that you do whether it is positive or not.
You get to start over.
God uses our failures to grow our faith and uses our testimony through it to reach others.
God can be disappointed in us and love us at the same time.
This is not a plug for Clemson ot Dabo. Like I said before, I really don't even watch football. I do know that he is a believer and I think it is pretty cool that God spoke to my heart and hopefully yours through the HBC (head ball coach).
Lord, thank you for reminding me this morning that people see my heart at all times. They see a refection of you when I am doing really good but when I am not at my best they see that as well. Lord help me to be reflecting your love and grace today. Help me to forgive those who I am angry and disappointed with. Help me to not be surprised with people's actions who do not know you and act in ways that are shocking and often dishonest or unethical. Lord help people show me grace when I am not reflecting goodness from you. Thank you for these reminders today. Thank you for using my failures to grow my faith. Thank you for reminding me that I will always be able to start anew each day. Thank you for reminding me that your grace is enough. Amen
This morning a portion of Dabo Swinney's press conference popped up on my news feed so I decided to click on it. He said some really important phrases that we can apply to our walk with Jesus in our every day life.
"We wanted to win the game but we came up a little short."
"The nation sees why we have been so successful. They have seen our heart."
I imagine that we all want to win in all that we do in life. Just like we have been learning through our studies, that is not always Gods plan for us. We are going to face adversity and we are not always going to win.
We also need to reflect on how we are living when we are winning and losing. What are people seeing? Is your heart reflecting love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness or is it reflecting hate, anger, disappointment and regret?
The team is going back on Tuesday to regroup. They are going to start again on their journey to what they hope to be another championship season. Dabo could have ranted and raved and said some not so nice things during his press conference. Instead he appeared to be humble. Disappointed? Yes. But he knew that his team was good and he was proud of them.
There are a few talk aways here today.
You can work hard and still come up short.
People see your heart in all that you do whether it is positive or not.
You get to start over.
God uses our failures to grow our faith and uses our testimony through it to reach others.
God can be disappointed in us and love us at the same time.
This is not a plug for Clemson ot Dabo. Like I said before, I really don't even watch football. I do know that he is a believer and I think it is pretty cool that God spoke to my heart and hopefully yours through the HBC (head ball coach).
Lord, thank you for reminding me this morning that people see my heart at all times. They see a refection of you when I am doing really good but when I am not at my best they see that as well. Lord help me to be reflecting your love and grace today. Help me to forgive those who I am angry and disappointed with. Help me to not be surprised with people's actions who do not know you and act in ways that are shocking and often dishonest or unethical. Lord help people show me grace when I am not reflecting goodness from you. Thank you for these reminders today. Thank you for using my failures to grow my faith. Thank you for reminding me that I will always be able to start anew each day. Thank you for reminding me that your grace is enough. Amen
Monday, January 11, 2016
Exodus 6 - "I am Lord"
When working in the workbook it asks you to think about a time when you doubted God's promises to you.
I stop and try to think of some specific times and for me that is kind of hard. I really think that in times of struggles, disappointments, hard times, troubles and/or crisis situations I have always blamed myself. I never really thought that God had not kept his promises.
You might think that is a victory but it is actually the opposite. I was not drawing close to God daily. I was not in his word. I was not in prayer. I was not even aware enough of God and his promises to even think that he wasn't keeping them.
Even though I was in church and teaching Sunday School, I have to be honest and say that I was not in God's word daily. I was not living in the word.
When I was at Ridgecrest this weekend I heard something really profound. A man said this, "God blesses us according to our preparation."
I know the guy was speaking in reference to preparing our hearts for VBS and the students we are trying to reach but when you think about the statement it really is true for our every day life.
I can say that struggles and trials I face now are approached differently than the ones in the past. I take away the power I would give myself for the situation. (Disclaimer: I still take the blame for my mistakes but I know he has the real power, not me.)
I try to look at what I am going through, be in prayer for wisdom and be clear in my conversations to God that he will get all of the glory whenever this trial is over.
Even when we doubt what the purpose is for our trial we have to remember that He is Lord.
Our pastor did a great job of preaching on this today. He said that God takes us through trials. We are willing to follow so we must be willing to face trials to produce faith. We need the faith to trust in him so that he will be glorified.
Today I am going to look at my trials as faith builders. I am going to change my attitude towards the trial and focus on how God will be glorified and how my faith will increase.
I stop and try to think of some specific times and for me that is kind of hard. I really think that in times of struggles, disappointments, hard times, troubles and/or crisis situations I have always blamed myself. I never really thought that God had not kept his promises.
You might think that is a victory but it is actually the opposite. I was not drawing close to God daily. I was not in his word. I was not in prayer. I was not even aware enough of God and his promises to even think that he wasn't keeping them.
Even though I was in church and teaching Sunday School, I have to be honest and say that I was not in God's word daily. I was not living in the word.
When I was at Ridgecrest this weekend I heard something really profound. A man said this, "God blesses us according to our preparation."
I know the guy was speaking in reference to preparing our hearts for VBS and the students we are trying to reach but when you think about the statement it really is true for our every day life.
I can say that struggles and trials I face now are approached differently than the ones in the past. I take away the power I would give myself for the situation. (Disclaimer: I still take the blame for my mistakes but I know he has the real power, not me.)
I try to look at what I am going through, be in prayer for wisdom and be clear in my conversations to God that he will get all of the glory whenever this trial is over.
Even when we doubt what the purpose is for our trial we have to remember that He is Lord.
Our pastor did a great job of preaching on this today. He said that God takes us through trials. We are willing to follow so we must be willing to face trials to produce faith. We need the faith to trust in him so that he will be glorified.
Today I am going to look at my trials as faith builders. I am going to change my attitude towards the trial and focus on how God will be glorified and how my faith will increase.
Friday, January 8, 2016
Exodus 5 - Oppressed People
Ladies, this is another one of those days where God is speaking right to my heart.
Right now I am feeling like Moses. I am asking the questions he is asking.
There are some difficulties in my work place. I don't want to go into great detail for confidentiality reasons. I can tell you that many of my friends are feeling oppressed. They are feeling alone. They are tired. They are questioning the very call that God has put on their life.
Never before in my life have I felt God confirming his ministry for me like he is now.
Yesterday I had two friends tell me the exact same story about problems that each of them were facing at work. Neither one knew the others story.
God is clearly using me to be an encourager to these sweet friends.
You see, the call on our lives was never promised to be an easy one. We face trials and struggles that we don't understand. We are able to see solutions to problems that others may deny. Just like Moses we are asking why is this trouble upon us?
The reality is that we are to push through. We have to keep working for man as if working for God. Even when we are tired, confused, hurt, stressed and just over the entire situation, we have to keep pressing on.
We cannot give the enemy a foothold. We cannot let the enemy use our doubt and insecurities as power over us. We cannot let temporary trials and struggles derail us from the mission at hand.
Today we need to go into those fields and make those bricks. We don't have all of the tools we may need but we have the one we need.
God will provide for us. Although we are laboring hard and don't have all that we need to do our job, God is really all that we need.
Don't give him the power. Don't let Satan win. Stand strong in the power of the Lord God Almighty. He is sufficient. He gives us more than any resource our job can provide. HE is the healer, redeemer, provider, and miracle worker we need. And some of us are in the mud and muck of the brick making fields and we need that straw. We need a miracle.
I am challenging you today to pray in your place of employment. Pray over your work place. Walk around your building and pray. PRAY PRAY PRAY
I feel that God is going to use us in big ways when we commit ourselves to prayer and full dependence on him in these difficult situations we are a facing. He is our source of provisions. Only he can give us what we need.
Give it all to him. ALL TO HIM. He will provide what we need.
Right now I am feeling like Moses. I am asking the questions he is asking.
There are some difficulties in my work place. I don't want to go into great detail for confidentiality reasons. I can tell you that many of my friends are feeling oppressed. They are feeling alone. They are tired. They are questioning the very call that God has put on their life.
Never before in my life have I felt God confirming his ministry for me like he is now.
Yesterday I had two friends tell me the exact same story about problems that each of them were facing at work. Neither one knew the others story.
God is clearly using me to be an encourager to these sweet friends.
You see, the call on our lives was never promised to be an easy one. We face trials and struggles that we don't understand. We are able to see solutions to problems that others may deny. Just like Moses we are asking why is this trouble upon us?
The reality is that we are to push through. We have to keep working for man as if working for God. Even when we are tired, confused, hurt, stressed and just over the entire situation, we have to keep pressing on.
We cannot give the enemy a foothold. We cannot let the enemy use our doubt and insecurities as power over us. We cannot let temporary trials and struggles derail us from the mission at hand.
Today we need to go into those fields and make those bricks. We don't have all of the tools we may need but we have the one we need.
God will provide for us. Although we are laboring hard and don't have all that we need to do our job, God is really all that we need.
Don't give him the power. Don't let Satan win. Stand strong in the power of the Lord God Almighty. He is sufficient. He gives us more than any resource our job can provide. HE is the healer, redeemer, provider, and miracle worker we need. And some of us are in the mud and muck of the brick making fields and we need that straw. We need a miracle.
I am challenging you today to pray in your place of employment. Pray over your work place. Walk around your building and pray. PRAY PRAY PRAY
I feel that God is going to use us in big ways when we commit ourselves to prayer and full dependence on him in these difficult situations we are a facing. He is our source of provisions. Only he can give us what we need.
Give it all to him. ALL TO HIM. He will provide what we need.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Exodus 4 - Angry God
In so many of our churches today I feel that we are getting it right. For the most part.
When I was younger I was a member of a small country church that had about 85 members. The pastors tended to preach hell, fire and brimstone. I would often feel afraid of God. My fear of God was the reason I tried to do right.
I clearly remember being 19 and going to a church on the other side of the town I grew up in. This church was huge to me. There were about 300 people at the service and it even had a balcony! I remember the pastor preaching about the love of God. He spoke about how Jesus died for us to save us from our sin. The God he taught about was loving, forgiving, patient, and understanding.
My faith was transformed that day. I saw a side of God that I had never known before.
I think a lot of churches today speak of the love of God. The God that is slow to anger. But friends we have to remember that God can be angry.
In verse 14 it says "The the Lord's anger burned against Moses".
In verse 24 it says "At the lodging place on the way, the Lord met Moses and was about to kill him".
God was angry because Moses did not obey him in circumcising his son.
God calls us to obey him. He is not pleased when we willfully disobey.
God was patient with Moses and gave him answers to his questions. He gave him signs to show the people.
When Moses didn't do what God wanted, God was angry.
Today I need to remember that God can be angry with me. I think about all of the beautiful songs I hear on K-Love every day. I am trying to think really hard but I am pretty sure not one of them has a verse that says "Do what God says or he could get angry enough to kill ya."
Funny but serious. The message is clear here today. God loves us but God wants us to obey and do his will. God can be angry with us.
Lord, thank you for reminding me that you are not just an angelic figure sitting on a cloud in the sky strumming a harp. You are the living God. You love me. You know the number of hairs on my head. You know what my strengths and weaknesses are. You equip me to do the things you have called me to do. Thank you for the reminder that you are not happy when I don't obey. Thank you for reminding me that you can be angry at me. Lord help me to be still and listen to you this morning. Help me to see how I have angered you by my sin and disobedience. Forgive me for those times I have done it my a way. Lord, have thine on way with me today. I am the clay and you are the potter. Use me today to be a kingdom builder for you and not a kingdom builder for myself. Lord thank you for this word today. Amen
When I was younger I was a member of a small country church that had about 85 members. The pastors tended to preach hell, fire and brimstone. I would often feel afraid of God. My fear of God was the reason I tried to do right.
I clearly remember being 19 and going to a church on the other side of the town I grew up in. This church was huge to me. There were about 300 people at the service and it even had a balcony! I remember the pastor preaching about the love of God. He spoke about how Jesus died for us to save us from our sin. The God he taught about was loving, forgiving, patient, and understanding.
My faith was transformed that day. I saw a side of God that I had never known before.
I think a lot of churches today speak of the love of God. The God that is slow to anger. But friends we have to remember that God can be angry.
In verse 14 it says "The the Lord's anger burned against Moses".
In verse 24 it says "At the lodging place on the way, the Lord met Moses and was about to kill him".
God was angry because Moses did not obey him in circumcising his son.
God calls us to obey him. He is not pleased when we willfully disobey.
God was patient with Moses and gave him answers to his questions. He gave him signs to show the people.
When Moses didn't do what God wanted, God was angry.
Today I need to remember that God can be angry with me. I think about all of the beautiful songs I hear on K-Love every day. I am trying to think really hard but I am pretty sure not one of them has a verse that says "Do what God says or he could get angry enough to kill ya."
Funny but serious. The message is clear here today. God loves us but God wants us to obey and do his will. God can be angry with us.
Lord, thank you for reminding me that you are not just an angelic figure sitting on a cloud in the sky strumming a harp. You are the living God. You love me. You know the number of hairs on my head. You know what my strengths and weaknesses are. You equip me to do the things you have called me to do. Thank you for the reminder that you are not happy when I don't obey. Thank you for reminding me that you can be angry at me. Lord help me to be still and listen to you this morning. Help me to see how I have angered you by my sin and disobedience. Forgive me for those times I have done it my a way. Lord, have thine on way with me today. I am the clay and you are the potter. Use me today to be a kingdom builder for you and not a kingdom builder for myself. Lord thank you for this word today. Amen
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Exodus 3 - The Great I Am
Moses hid his face in the presence of God.
Moses listened to God.
Moses speaks 3 times in these 22 verses.
1. Here I am. (v.4)
2. Who am I to go? (v.11)
3. How will they believe me? What is your name?(v.13)
Friends, I don't know about you but I can see myself making this statement and asking these questions. Right here. Right now.
Lord, here I am. I am willing to serve.
Lord, who am I to carry out this commission that you have given me. I am not good enough. Why would you choose me to do something so big? How can I make a difference? I am a sinner. I fall short of your glory every single day.
How will I get this done? What power do I have to do this? How will this great work be done through me? How will others know that it is from you?
And God always responds:
Mandey, you are here to serve willingly to do what I have called you to do.
Mandey, I am with you. I am calling you specifically to do this work. I will make it clear in my perfect timing that you are on the correct path.
Mandey, you are equipped through the Holy Spirit. Go and do what I have called you to do and I will do the rest. Be obedient to my commands.
Not one time does God say it will be easy. Not one time does he give a timeline. Not one time does he say it will all be crystal clear to me.
But you know what? He says it all when he says that he is the great I am! That is all we need to know. He is our almighty God. He is in control. He is flawless. He does not make mistakes.
He does not make mistakes.
We need to look at Moses here in this moment. In all of those words spoken in this chapter, Moses spoke very few.
We need to listen to God. We need to ask God for clarity. We then need to listen again.
What does God have to tell us in our busy day? What are we missing? What opportunities to serve are we missing that God has commissioned us to do.
We need only be still. Listen to him. Ask less questions and just be quiet in his presence.
Lord God Almighty, the great I Am. Thank you for your presence. Thank you for being all that I need. Lord forgive me when I fail to listen to you. Forgive me when I fall short daily. Forgive me for questioning your will for me and your commission on my life. Lord, help me to see your plans for me. Help me to be still and to know that you are Lord God almighty and that you are all that I need today and every day. Thank you for your living word. Help me to go out in the world today and shine your light. Help me to bring others to you. Help me to deliver unbelievers from the gates of Hell just as you have commissioned Christians to do. Help me today to be a fisher of men and clearly see who doesn't know you like I know you. Thank you Lord for today and all that comes from it. -Amen
Moses listened to God.
Moses speaks 3 times in these 22 verses.
1. Here I am. (v.4)
2. Who am I to go? (v.11)
3. How will they believe me? What is your name?(v.13)
Friends, I don't know about you but I can see myself making this statement and asking these questions. Right here. Right now.
Lord, here I am. I am willing to serve.
Lord, who am I to carry out this commission that you have given me. I am not good enough. Why would you choose me to do something so big? How can I make a difference? I am a sinner. I fall short of your glory every single day.
How will I get this done? What power do I have to do this? How will this great work be done through me? How will others know that it is from you?
And God always responds:
Mandey, you are here to serve willingly to do what I have called you to do.
Mandey, I am with you. I am calling you specifically to do this work. I will make it clear in my perfect timing that you are on the correct path.
Mandey, you are equipped through the Holy Spirit. Go and do what I have called you to do and I will do the rest. Be obedient to my commands.
Not one time does God say it will be easy. Not one time does he give a timeline. Not one time does he say it will all be crystal clear to me.
But you know what? He says it all when he says that he is the great I am! That is all we need to know. He is our almighty God. He is in control. He is flawless. He does not make mistakes.
He does not make mistakes.
We need to look at Moses here in this moment. In all of those words spoken in this chapter, Moses spoke very few.
We need to listen to God. We need to ask God for clarity. We then need to listen again.
What does God have to tell us in our busy day? What are we missing? What opportunities to serve are we missing that God has commissioned us to do.
We need only be still. Listen to him. Ask less questions and just be quiet in his presence.
Lord God Almighty, the great I Am. Thank you for your presence. Thank you for being all that I need. Lord forgive me when I fail to listen to you. Forgive me when I fall short daily. Forgive me for questioning your will for me and your commission on my life. Lord, help me to see your plans for me. Help me to be still and to know that you are Lord God almighty and that you are all that I need today and every day. Thank you for your living word. Help me to go out in the world today and shine your light. Help me to bring others to you. Help me to deliver unbelievers from the gates of Hell just as you have commissioned Christians to do. Help me today to be a fisher of men and clearly see who doesn't know you like I know you. Thank you Lord for today and all that comes from it. -Amen
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Exodus 2 - He is Faithful.
I just have to start by saying thank you Lord for being my redeemer, my rescuer, my protector and my Savior.
What a beautiful story on this day. Today is Abby's birthday. She turns 12.
If you don't know Abby then you are truly missing out on a sweet blessing from Jesus. She has more love for God and for others then probably all of us combined.
Today's story of Moses has me typing through tears once again as sausage sizzles on the stove top and Charlie Brown waffles cook in the waffle maker for a special birthday breakfast.
I won't go into a long story about Abby. I will try to be brief. Around 15-18 months old we knew something wasn't right with Abby. She was not talking or trying to communicate. She had some words but they disappeared. Soon after we received a diagnosis of Autism. She went through years of therapies. God was so faithful to us. She began in special ed but has been in reg ed since K. She was in the gifted program in elementary school and is now in honors classes in middle school. She has been in numerous plays with speaking parts. She is pretty amazing if I do say so myself.
I want to go back, for a moment, to that day in Charleston when we received her diagnosis. The report seemed really hopeless. I left there with the impression that Abby would likely never speak. She would probably need our care for the rest of her life. These were the things I believed from man and from my own knowledge and understanding.
But you see, God had other plans. That day someone told us that God doesn't make mistakes. What a profound 4 words those were that day. Jeffrey and I both committed Abby to Gods care. Not our own.
Were those years easy? Heavens no. We had a newborn baby. Jeffrey worked nights and watched the girls during the day. I worked part time and went to college full time. There were other events in our lives happening that could surely end our marriage. We didn't know what the future held. We just kept working hard with no guarantee anything would changed. But y'all. It did.
I think it is easily summed up in these 3 words:
God is faithful.
It was easy.
It was fun.
I deserved it.
We did he.
We were lucky.
Just like baby Moses. We put Abby in that little basket covered with reeds.
We were scared. We didn't know what the future held. We were lonely. We were sad. We cried. We were exhausted. We were tested.
And it was all a blessing. Every day that was filled with therapies, appointments, school assignments, tears, tiredness.
It was all a blessing.
When people tell me to have a blessed day I really want to respond by saying "Have a day in which God uses you even if it is not easy."
Jeffrey loves Laura Stories songs. Blessings do come through tears. They come through heartache, doubt, the unknown and brokenness.
Lord God Almighty, thank you for my sweet family. Thank you for blessing us with Abby. Thank you for the difficulties we endured. Thank you for always being there even when we were so tired and so stretched thin that being in your word was the last thing on our minds. Thank you for your perfect timing and for the placement of people in our lives that you knew we would need. Thank you for the tears, the tiredness, the victories. Thank you for all of what we have endured. Not just the easy to see blessings. Amen
What a beautiful story on this day. Today is Abby's birthday. She turns 12.
If you don't know Abby then you are truly missing out on a sweet blessing from Jesus. She has more love for God and for others then probably all of us combined.
Today's story of Moses has me typing through tears once again as sausage sizzles on the stove top and Charlie Brown waffles cook in the waffle maker for a special birthday breakfast.
I won't go into a long story about Abby. I will try to be brief. Around 15-18 months old we knew something wasn't right with Abby. She was not talking or trying to communicate. She had some words but they disappeared. Soon after we received a diagnosis of Autism. She went through years of therapies. God was so faithful to us. She began in special ed but has been in reg ed since K. She was in the gifted program in elementary school and is now in honors classes in middle school. She has been in numerous plays with speaking parts. She is pretty amazing if I do say so myself.
I want to go back, for a moment, to that day in Charleston when we received her diagnosis. The report seemed really hopeless. I left there with the impression that Abby would likely never speak. She would probably need our care for the rest of her life. These were the things I believed from man and from my own knowledge and understanding.
But you see, God had other plans. That day someone told us that God doesn't make mistakes. What a profound 4 words those were that day. Jeffrey and I both committed Abby to Gods care. Not our own.
Were those years easy? Heavens no. We had a newborn baby. Jeffrey worked nights and watched the girls during the day. I worked part time and went to college full time. There were other events in our lives happening that could surely end our marriage. We didn't know what the future held. We just kept working hard with no guarantee anything would changed. But y'all. It did.
I think it is easily summed up in these 3 words:
God is faithful.
It was easy.
It was fun.
I deserved it.
We did he.
We were lucky.
Just like baby Moses. We put Abby in that little basket covered with reeds.
We were scared. We didn't know what the future held. We were lonely. We were sad. We cried. We were exhausted. We were tested.
And it was all a blessing. Every day that was filled with therapies, appointments, school assignments, tears, tiredness.
It was all a blessing.
When people tell me to have a blessed day I really want to respond by saying "Have a day in which God uses you even if it is not easy."
Jeffrey loves Laura Stories songs. Blessings do come through tears. They come through heartache, doubt, the unknown and brokenness.
Lord God Almighty, thank you for my sweet family. Thank you for blessing us with Abby. Thank you for the difficulties we endured. Thank you for always being there even when we were so tired and so stretched thin that being in your word was the last thing on our minds. Thank you for your perfect timing and for the placement of people in our lives that you knew we would need. Thank you for the tears, the tiredness, the victories. Thank you for all of what we have endured. Not just the easy to see blessings. Amen
Monday, January 4, 2016
Faith Heros
I love how the writer describes these women as faith heroes in today's study.
When I was reading this yesterday it was clear that these women were important because they were named. They loved and feared God. They did what they felt him calling them to do. They defied a nameless king. God rewarded them with their own children.
Many times when I am faithful and obedient to God I feel like I should get my "reward" immediately. I have never stopped to think that the reward I am expecting may not bring me happiness but rather more grief.
When the people increased in number, like God had promised, it caused problems in Egypt. How many times in my life has this happened? This is something for me to reflect on today. I need to see God's bigger purpose in these times in my life.
2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
Lord, thank you for your word this morning. Lord thank you for reminding me that your timing is perfect and your promise will always be true. Help me to see and hold on to those promises in times of trials and difficulties in my life. Lord, I pray that whatever is enslaving these women here today will be ended according to your will and in your perfect timing. Help them to see that your promise is always kept in your perfect timing and you are always faithful. Thank you Father for your love, for your word and for always keeping your word to us. -Amen
When I was reading this yesterday it was clear that these women were important because they were named. They loved and feared God. They did what they felt him calling them to do. They defied a nameless king. God rewarded them with their own children.
Many times when I am faithful and obedient to God I feel like I should get my "reward" immediately. I have never stopped to think that the reward I am expecting may not bring me happiness but rather more grief.
When the people increased in number, like God had promised, it caused problems in Egypt. How many times in my life has this happened? This is something for me to reflect on today. I need to see God's bigger purpose in these times in my life.
2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
Lord, thank you for your word this morning. Lord thank you for reminding me that your timing is perfect and your promise will always be true. Help me to see and hold on to those promises in times of trials and difficulties in my life. Lord, I pray that whatever is enslaving these women here today will be ended according to your will and in your perfect timing. Help them to see that your promise is always kept in your perfect timing and you are always faithful. Thank you Father for your love, for your word and for always keeping your word to us. -Amen
Friday, January 1, 2016
Last Day of Matthew
Another book on the books. Hard to believe we have completed John, Genesis, Matthew and now we will be moving into Exodus.
I really enjoyed Matthew and all of the parables. I loved seeing how God used the least of us to spread the good news. I love how he came into the world in the worst possible conditions. Seeing how others have doubted him has really convicted me to look at my life and see how I am doubting him and his powers.
I received my study guide for Exodus and it looks great. I am committing to finishing my Matthew guide this weekend. I had gotten a little behind. It looks like they have added a reflection page for the weekend wrap ups.
Get ready to spend some time in the Old Testament, ladies. It looks like we will study Leviticus and Hebrews at the conclusion of Exodus.
Thanks for a great study of Mathew. I can't wait to see what God has to teach us next!
Love to you all! Happy New Year!
I really enjoyed Matthew and all of the parables. I loved seeing how God used the least of us to spread the good news. I love how he came into the world in the worst possible conditions. Seeing how others have doubted him has really convicted me to look at my life and see how I am doubting him and his powers.
I received my study guide for Exodus and it looks great. I am committing to finishing my Matthew guide this weekend. I had gotten a little behind. It looks like they have added a reflection page for the weekend wrap ups.
Get ready to spend some time in the Old Testament, ladies. It looks like we will study Leviticus and Hebrews at the conclusion of Exodus.
Thanks for a great study of Mathew. I can't wait to see what God has to teach us next!
Love to you all! Happy New Year!
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