Thursday, January 28, 2016

Exodus 19 - Doing Good

The More Moments scriptures would not load on my phone. I always read the main text from my Bible but usually just click on these verses. It was divine intervention because in I Peter I needed to see a verse that I had underlined.

Here are two translations:
 I Peter 2:15
For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.
It is God's will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish accusations against you.

And here is what it quickly reminded me:

1. I cannot live a life that is good if I am not accessing God and his power and wisdom daily.

2. God loves me and protects me from evil.

3. If I am doing good, living in his word, and applying those principals to my life then others will certainly see that. They will see the good and hopefully see that I am set a part from non-believers.

I cannot expect God to do big things in my life if I am not living my life for him.

This year has been a doozy with district personnel and parents bringing false accusations against me. The interesting part is that most of those people are clearly non-believers. There actions, words and ethics show that they are not accessing his word or living in anyway according to it. God has protected me every time. 

(I had sent a text to a dear friend about a problem I had yesterday after we had spoke. I had woke up this morning to check my messages since I silence my phone at night. There was a message in regards to this situation from the person it stemmed from. God had handled it. It was clear he took care of it. He took complete control and the problem is no longer a problem.)

I don't want to be living outside of his word. I don't want to be far away from God. I don't want to live in my own ways and by my own laws. I don't want to feel that miserable feeling that we feel when separated from him. I don't want to be distracted. 

I want to live an honorable life. I want to silence the foolish by living my life according to God's calling. I want it to be clear to others that I am a child of God and that all great things come from him. I want to have access to his provisions, grace, mercy, redemption, forgiveness and for the peace that only comes from him.

What is distracting you from God today?

Long hours at work?
Earthly relationships?

Open your Bible every day. Read it. Give God your first fruits. I promise that your good life lived for him will bring great blessings. It is not a guarantee that life will be easy, rather a guidebook on how to navigate those storms with him by your side. 

 Lord thank you for your clear divine interventions in my life. I try daily to live my life for you. I make mistakes, fall, stumble and sin but you always have your loving arms open. You welcome me back when I stray. Lord, I don't want to stray from you again like I have in the past. I don't want to wander in the desert. I want to have access to your wonderfulness.  Lord thank you for your word today. Thank you for your protection from those who are against me. I know that you are for me and that you love me. Lord help me to silence those fools in my life right now. Help me to be mindful of my words and actions. Help me to see the greater plan that you have for me and my Christian friends in our workplace. Lord help us to see why your hand has brought us together. Help us to know your will for us. If we are to be silent and continue to work for you and not for man, Lord let that be clear. If we are to rise up together in your name to make a change that can only come from you, let that be clear. Lord forgive me for my sins. Cleanse my heart Lord so that it will be ready to access your greatness. Lead in me where you would have for me to go. -Amen

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