Friday, January 8, 2016

Exodus 5 - Oppressed People

Ladies, this is another one of those days where God is speaking right to my heart.

Right now I am feeling like Moses. I am asking the questions he is asking.

There are some difficulties in my work place. I don't want to go into great detail for confidentiality reasons. I can tell you that many of my friends are feeling oppressed. They are feeling alone. They are tired. They are questioning the very call that God has put on their life.

Never before in my life have I felt God confirming his ministry for me like he is now.

Yesterday I had two friends tell me the exact same story about problems that each of them were facing at work. Neither one knew the others story.

God is clearly using me to be an encourager to these sweet friends.

You see, the call on our lives was never promised to be an easy one. We face trials and struggles that we don't understand. We are able to see solutions to problems that others may deny. Just like Moses we are asking why is this trouble upon us?

The reality is that we are to push through. We have to keep working for man as if working for God. Even when we are tired, confused, hurt, stressed and just over the entire situation, we have to keep pressing on.

We cannot give the enemy a foothold. We cannot let the enemy use our doubt and insecurities as power over us. We cannot let temporary trials and struggles derail us from the mission at hand.

Today we need to go into those fields and make those bricks. We don't have all of the tools we may need but we have the one we need.

God will provide for us. Although we are laboring hard and don't have all that we need to do our job, God is really all that we need.

Don't give him the power. Don't let Satan win. Stand strong in the power of the Lord God Almighty. He is sufficient. He gives us more than any resource our job can provide. HE is the healer, redeemer, provider, and miracle worker we need. And some of us are in the mud and muck of the brick making fields and we need that straw. We need a miracle.

I am challenging you today to pray in your place of employment. Pray over your work place. Walk around your building and pray.  PRAY PRAY PRAY

I feel that God is going to use us in big ways when we commit ourselves to prayer and full dependence on him in these difficult situations we are a facing. He is our source of provisions. Only he can give us what we need.

Give it all to him. ALL TO HIM. He will provide what we need.


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