We should all be familiar with the 10 Commandments. I remember the poster hanging in my 3rd grade Sunday School classroom way back when. As a child I really didn't understand what all of those things meant. They probably seemed pretty easy to do. I mean, I wasn't going to worship any gods that in my mind were statues. I was pretty sure I wouldn't kill anyone. I had no idea what adultery was. I had no choice, my grandma demanded that we keep the Sabbath day holy by dressing up and going to church. And honoring my parents kept me from getting my butt cut. I better not even think about going in my moms purse. She new if anything was even touched, much less a dollar missing. It was a pretty simple deal in 3rd grade.
As an adult I see these in a whole new light. As my faith has grown I see the meanings below the surface of those words.
The verse that really jumps out to me in this chapter is the last part of 24.
"Wherever I cause my name to be honored, I will come and bless you."
God was specific in the directions given for the altar and for the sacrifices. This was pre-tabernacle. It was simple. He could be worshiped and honored in any place.
But going back to the last part of 24. I know that God puts me in circumstances daily where his name can be honored. I have to choose to see these times and I have to choose to honor him. Many times that involves a sacrifice on my part.
Yesterday I had the honor and privilege of helping our church with the Good News Club. I had worked an entire day with preschoolers so I was already zonked by 3:00. When the Minister of Children asked me to work with the Pre-K and K children I am sure my face said it all. I work with them ALL DAY LONG. Can't I get a break from the snotty noses? But I agreed and told her that I would be glad to do it.
The funny thing is, God had something different planned. There were some issues that needed to be worked out. I was the only person there on the Good News team that worked in the school district. I was familiar with dismissal procedures and protocol. I had the knowledge needed to be a voice in how to help make things run smoother and safer. I know that my knowledge and employment with this district will help the issues to be ironed out through God's perfect provisions.
Even though I was tired. Even though it seemed too much to commit to. I honored God and volunteered. I know that he blessed us yesterday because we as a team honored him with our time and talents.
What sacrifice are you making today for him? You don't have to go to the Tabernacle. You don't have to build an altar.
You just have to give.
I was so blessed yesterday. It was clear that God was all around us. Blessing us. Blessing the children. Kicking Satan in the behind.
What are you going to give today? What are you going to do that is uncomfortable, exhausting, outside of your comfort zone?
I just bet whatever it is, you will be blessed.
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