Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Exodus 3 - The Great I Am

Moses hid his face in the presence of God.

Moses listened to God.

Moses speaks 3 times in these 22 verses.

1. Here I am. (v.4)
2. Who am I to go? (v.11)
3. How will they believe me? What is your name?(v.13)

Friends, I don't know about you but I can see myself making this statement and asking these questions. Right here. Right now.

Lord, here I am. I am willing to serve.

Lord, who am I to carry out this commission that you have given me. I am not good enough. Why would you choose me to do something so big? How can I make a difference? I am a sinner. I fall short of your glory every single day.

How will I get this done? What power do I have to do this? How will this great work be done through me? How will others know that it is from you?

And God always responds:

Mandey, you are here to serve willingly to do what I have called you to do.

Mandey, I am with you. I am calling you specifically to do this work. I will make it clear in my perfect timing that you are on the correct path.

Mandey, you are equipped through the Holy Spirit. Go and do what I have called you to do and I will do the rest. Be obedient to my commands.

Not one time does God say it will be easy. Not one time does he give a timeline. Not one time does he say it will all be crystal clear to me.

But you know what? He says it all when he says that he is the great I am! That is all we need to know. He is our almighty God. He is in control. He is flawless. He does not make mistakes.

He does not make mistakes.

We need to look at Moses here in this moment. In all of those words spoken in this chapter, Moses spoke very few.

We need to listen to God. We need to ask God for clarity. We then need to listen again.

What does God have to tell us in our busy day? What are we missing? What opportunities to serve are we missing that God has commissioned us to do.

We need only be still.  Listen to him. Ask less questions and just be quiet in his presence.

Lord God Almighty, the great I Am. Thank you for your presence. Thank you for being all that I need. Lord forgive me when I fail to listen to you. Forgive me when I fall short daily. Forgive me for questioning your will for me and your commission on my life. Lord, help me to see your plans for me. Help me to be still and to know that you are Lord God almighty and that you are all that I need today and every day. Thank you for your living word. Help me to go out in the world today and shine your light. Help me to bring others to you. Help me to deliver unbelievers from the gates of Hell just as you have commissioned Christians to do. Help me today to be a fisher of men and clearly see who doesn't know you like I know you. Thank you Lord for today and all that comes from it. -Amen

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