Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Exodus 2 - He is Faithful.

I just have to start by saying thank you Lord for being my redeemer, my rescuer, my protector and my Savior.

What a beautiful story on this day. Today is Abby's birthday. She turns 12.

If you don't know Abby then you are truly missing out on a sweet blessing from Jesus. She has more love for God and for others then probably all of us combined.

Today's story of Moses has me typing through tears once again as sausage sizzles on the stove top and Charlie Brown waffles cook in the waffle maker for a special birthday breakfast.

I won't go into a long story about Abby. I will try to be brief. Around 15-18 months old we knew something wasn't right with Abby. She was not talking or trying to communicate. She had some words but they disappeared. Soon after we received a diagnosis of Autism. She went through years of therapies. God was so faithful to us. She began in special ed but has been in reg ed since K. She was in the gifted program in elementary school and is now in honors classes in middle school. She has been in numerous plays with speaking parts. She is pretty amazing if I do say so myself.

I want to go back, for a moment, to that day in Charleston when we received her diagnosis. The report seemed really hopeless. I left there with the impression that Abby would likely never speak. She would probably need our care for the rest of her life. These were the things I believed from man and from my own knowledge and understanding.

But you see, God had other plans. That day someone told us that God doesn't make mistakes. What a profound 4 words those were that day. Jeffrey and I both committed Abby to Gods care. Not our own.

Were those years easy? Heavens no. We had a newborn baby. Jeffrey worked nights and watched the girls during the day. I worked part time and went to college full time. There were other events in our lives happening that could surely end our marriage. We didn't know what the future held. We just kept working hard with no guarantee anything would changed. But y'all. It did.

I think it is easily summed up in these 3 words:

God is faithful.

It was easy.
It was fun.
I deserved it.
We did he.
We were lucky.



Just like baby Moses. We put Abby in that little basket covered with reeds.

We were scared. We didn't know what the future held. We were lonely. We were sad. We cried. We were exhausted. We were tested.

And it was all a blessing. Every day that was filled with therapies, appointments, school assignments, tears, tiredness.

It was all a blessing.

When people tell me to have a blessed day I really want to respond by saying "Have a day in which God uses you even if it is not easy."

Jeffrey loves Laura Stories songs. Blessings do come through tears. They come through heartache, doubt, the unknown and brokenness.

Lord God Almighty, thank you for my sweet family. Thank you for blessing us with Abby. Thank you for the difficulties we endured. Thank you for always being there even when we were so tired and so stretched thin that being in your word was the last thing on our minds. Thank you for your perfect timing and for the placement of people in our lives that you knew we would need. Thank you for the tears, the tiredness, the victories. Thank you for all of what we have endured. Not just the easy to see blessings.  Amen

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