Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Exodus 13 - Great is Thy Faithfulness

What a striking image of our wonderful God leading these people night and day by fire and pillar of cloud.

Hasn't God always provided? What a beautiful picture of Gods promise to us. He promises to be all that we need, to give us what we need and to sustain us.

Different seasons in our lives offer different opportunities for us to see his faithfulness, mercy and love.

In my...

Late teens - God protected me from myself. I made terrible choices. Premarital sex, hanging with non-believers, drinking, partying, driving way to fast... Even though I was far from him, he was right there with me. Protecting me. Loving me.

20s- As a new bride I know I made so many mistakes. I was living in a new state. I had never lived away from home. I knew no one other than Jeffrey. We set out to start a life for ourselves. God provided us with a church, new friends and jobs. I made horrible choices financially. Made huge mistakes. We moved to Columbia, started new jobs, bought a home and started thinking about having babies. My mom was taken away from me unexpectedly. My grandparents divorced. I couldn't get pregnant. I wasn't giving Jeffrey the respect and love he deserved. I was in a dark place. All along God was carrying me. He was my solid rock. I didn't know just how much I needed him but despite the darkness he was holding me.   I made some huge mistakes that could have had some really severe consequences. In my late 20s  I really. really, really screwed up but God still had plans for me.

30s- This is season of life has been a beautiful picture of Gods love for me and his redeeming power. Gods love really did lift me. If you would have told me in my 20s that I would be pouring out my heart each morning on this chromebook for women to read I would have told you that you were cray cray. If you told me that I would be on a team to lead VBS for our church I would have told you to think again. If you would have told me that I would be leading a bible study at my church on Wed nights I would have probably laughed. God provided so much for me to be able to get my degree in Special Education. That alone is probably a 10 page essay...

My trials and troubles, times of doubt and darkness, and times of goodness and greatness have all led me to where God has me today. He didn't choose to have me take the short route. I was put on the long path to be able to grow, learn and experience his grace and mercy.

Lord God Almighty, thank you for not giving me the short route to take. Thank you for the trials and seasons of darkness. Thank you for always being the pillar of fire in the night even when I didn't realize it. Thank you for these seasons because they prepared me for your work and my live is a living testimony of your greatness and your redemption. Lord thank you for using my life to give you praise, honor and glory. Lord use me today to proclaim your greatness. Let my story reach someone today. Use me in ways that I can't imagine. Lord, forgive me for the times I have not drawn near to you. Lord, my prayer today is that you take this life you have given me and let it be lived for your glory. -Amen

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