Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Acts 26 - Here I am. Use me!

Paul was not backing down. He was sure of Jesus. Sure of the calling on his life. Sure that he could win these people over for Christ.

When I read about Paul in this Chapter I think about those who have been martyred. I think about those who would not back down from the word of God even when faced with death.

It is sometimes easy to forget about those who are spreading the gospel in dangerous situations around the world when we are so comfortable in our cozy homes and churches.

Why is it so hard for me to share my faith with others when the opportunity arises? Even after all I have learned and know, I still feel nervous and hesitate at times.

A friend has encouraged me by hosting a neighborhood bible study. I am going to spend this summer opening up my home to reach my neighbors. Every Sunday I see cars parked in driveways, people doing yard work, blinds closed...Here is my summer mission field. My own backyard.

It is uncomfortable. I feel vulnerable. It is risky.

I do know that God will honor my efforts. He has a plan. His will will be done.

How can you step out like Paul? For some it may be sticking your toes in the baby pool and for others it may be jumping off into the deep end. How can God use you this summer?

I wanted to thank each one of you for your continuous support of my ministry here and encourage you to add friends to this page. Lost friends. Friends that may scoff at the idea. Pray about who God would want you to invite. I know I will be in prayer for people to come here who don't know Jesus. I pray that God will use these words to encourage us believers as well as unbelievers.

I pray that my eyes will be open this summer. Join me!

Open the Eyes of My Heart

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