Thursday, June 16, 2016

Numbers 7. 8 and 9 - Alive and Able

This week the struggle has been real. Coming off of vacation, starting new eating habits, really pushing it at the gym and being somewhere by 7:45 each morning has been overwhelming. Not to mention all of the grocery shopping, chores and errands. It is 6:19 and I am asking myself, how in the world am I going to make it this morning?

Today I must look to the Lord for his strength, call on him and ask according to his will. Even though my tiredness and weariness this week isn't really a big deal compared to what is going on all around me, God cares. I think that too many times in my life I feel that what I am facing is not important to anyone but me. Not true. God cares about me, every part of me. He cares about every detail of my life.

There have been so many disturbing stories of tragedy this week. It has been hard to see the good in these events. I love the quote from Mr. Rodgers about looking for the helpers. Even if you can't help in this situation, look for ways you can help where you are right now. As tired and weary as I am today, I will still get up in the morning and plan on volunteering at a local food bank.

Tired. Weary.
Alive. Able.

Have a wonderful day sweet friends!

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