Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Numbers 10, 11, 12 - Long Arms, Tons of Quail

Ok, so this is totally not like me to be sooooooooo far behind. I hate having to post messages about not having time to post. The reality is that I am putting other things first. Moving to my new classroom, grad school, my bag business, Facebook, naps...I am just being honest.

But here I am, reading these 3 chapters and seeing what God has for me to hear.

When reading these chapters I am reminded of the complaining Israelite's. Nothing ever seemed to be good enough for them. They wanted good food, not manna. I love, love, love how God asks in 11:23, "Is the Lord's arm too short?"...  And then I am reminded of my own complaining and excuses.

Don't we do this ALL OF THE TIME? We put limits on him and what he can do for us. Ladies, His power is greater that we can even begin to fathom. He had the Israelite people 3 feet deep in quail. That was almost 2 tons of birds! Stop right now and think about your Thanksgiving Turkey. I will give you a minute. Now imagine walking out into your yard and wading through 3 feet of bird. Wow!

I have been limiting God in the area of time management this week. I have been missing His voice, His blessings and the peace that can come only from Him.

Where would we be if we really believed that God's arms were not too short? I am challenging myself as well as you to ask God do move in big ways in your life. But here is the hard part, you have to be in prayer, in his word, in fellowship with him and live your life for him. Daily.

Let's stop limiting him and start receiving abundant blessings from our Heavenly Father.

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