Monday, June 6, 2016

Numbers 1 - Faithfulness

This morning I rolled out of bed, put on my swimsuit and went out to get my towel off of the balcony and guess what? It was pouring down rain.

I had so much faith that I would be at the beach, in my chair, watching the sunrise.

It was a great segue into what I would be studying in Numbers this morning. So many times I put my faith in me, not what God has planned. Even with something as little as the rainy first morning at the beach. I was so sure that what I had planned was going to be.

In this first chapter we see that a census was taken of all of the men in Israel, except for the tribe of Levi. They were set apart. They were chosen to move the temple and take care of all aspects of it due to their faithfulness.

We also see the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham. The tribe of Judah was the largest. Judah the 4th son of Jacob. Jacob the soon of Issac, Issac the son of Abraham. What a beautiful fulfillment in those numbers.

It is also important to remember some things about Moses. If you have the study guide this is found on pages 3-4.

He was raised by someone other than his parents.
He murdered a guard that beat an Israelite.
He was 80 when his ministry started.
He has a speech problem and had a confidence problem.
He never entered the promise land due to disobedience to God.

God is in control of every detail. Now the sun is shining even though the weatherman said rain all day. Thank you God for this teachable moment today. You are in control.

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